Mr. Shittykawa

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You arrive at school.

Noting every detail you see, the people staring at you, the locker numbers, everything.

But as you go further down the hallway, you meet eyes with a highly disliked person of yours.

Great. Shittykawa, huh? I really had to bump into this maniac?

"Well, what do we have here?"

He walks towards you, catching everyone's eye as well.

"How is your day, Y/N?"
"Terrible? I sure hope so."

You waste none of your precious energy on him. It's just not worth it.

"Answer me."

"Go away."
You mutter.

He laughs at you. And pins you against a wall.
He whispers into your ear,

"Do we need to take this elsewhere?"

You shake your head.
Please, please go away..
You think to yourself.

"Good. Now get your ass in that classroom. Class is starting soon."

You quickly walk into the room, with your face covered by hair that fell from behind your ear.
God, I bet everyone's going to bully me. Why did that jerk have to talk to me?

As you sit down, all you can focus on are the giggles and stares you're getting from the people around you.

You turn around to face Shittykawa.

You whisper,
"Was there a need to humiliate me like that earlier?"

"Well no," He says. "But I thought that your reaction would be funny."

"Ugh, another bully on my list. I never thought you would be that bad."

"Hey, Y/N! Don't be mean, I'm the king and you don't talk back to royalty."

"Pfft, yeah, wanna bet?"

Tooru is obviously flustered, so you turn around. Only to be greeted by the teacher.

"Detention. No talking in my classroom."
She looks behind you.
"You too, Oikawa. Both of you, detention. Now."

As you both get up, you slide the door open and walk through as the tall guy follows behind you.

You walk towards the library, and notice Oikawa fidgeting with his bag strap.

"Don't get even more embarrassed, king. You might need to send guards after the girls."

"Shut up! Meanie.."

You both enter the library, and sit down across from each other at a table.

As you take a book from your backpack to read, you look up and Tooru staring directly at you.

"Uh.. What do you want?" You ask, confused.

"You got me into this mess. Don't talk to me."

"Excuse me? You're the one who-"

"I said don't."

"Gosh, you really are a bully, aren't you?"
You swing your legs around under the table.

Oikawa's still staring at you.

"What do you want?!" You ask, this time not confused but annoyed.

"Will you love me, even if I lose?" Tooru Oikawa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now