Chapter 10: A New Friend

Start from the beginning

"What! That's not fair!" Neymar said as he watched Gerard continue down the field, sticking his tongue out at Neymar. "I still need to get even for yesterday!"

"It's not like she's going anywhere! She's a part of this team; you can attempt to challenge her later! We will be playing as a team at the end of practice anyway. As I was saying," Pep said as he looked after Gerard, a little confused, "...Arianna will be taking the defensive and working on 1 v 1 and 2 v 1 situations that you encounter on break-aways." I nodded at Pep and jogged to my half of the field with the rest of my defense.

"Alright, I need you guys to split into four teams; there will be two teams of three and two teams of two."

I waited for them to split themselves up; as they were splitting up, Mia jogged across the field and hugged me, "hey, how's it going! So what are we doing today?" She asked.

"Pep said to work on 1 v 1 and 2 v 1 situations; so I've got a game for them." I looked at the groups they had made in front of me. In Team 1, there was Montoya, Marc, and Sergi; in Team 2 there was Mathieu, Douglas, and Adriano; in Team 3 there was Macherano and Gerard; in Team 4 there was Dani and Jordi.

"Ok, so when I tell you guys, each team will stand in each corner of this half. Then I will toss a ball in the middle and call out a couple numbers; if your jersey number is one of the numbers I call, then you will be playing in that round. Your goal is to get the ball and score on Claudio. The two groups on each side of the field are going to be a team; so if I call two numbers from the same side of the field, then you can work as a team and make it a 2 v 1 situation." I explained to them.

"That sounds easy! We can do that!" Dani says as he laughs.

"Hmm, how can we make this more interesting Arianna?" Mia asked.

"Umm, losing team runs laps?... Giving the other team a piggy back ride?"

"Oh! How many laps?" Gerard asks; I could see the twinkle in his eye.

"As many as the number of goals your team concedes. So, Team 1 and 4 on this side, 2 and 3 on the other." I tell them.

"Marc, you better get ready to carry me around this field!" Gerard says as he runs to his corner.

"I won't be on the losing team Gerard!" Marc replies, running to the opposite corner.

"How many goals do you think they are going to concede?" Mia asked me.

"4? Maybe 5? It shouldn't be too much...they're all even on skill...and Claudio is a good keeper..." I guessed.

"I already feel sorry for the losing team..." Mia said laughing.

"At least it's not us running the laps! Anyway, which numbers do you want to call first?" I asked her.

"Let's do, Dani, Sergi and Macherano"

"Ok! 22! 20! 14!" I yell.

I laughed as Dani scrambled to get to the first, knocking Sergi and Macherano out of the way.

"Dani! Sergi is on your team! This is a 2 v 1; use it to your advantage!" I yell at him. When Dani looks away from the ball to listen to me, Macherano swipes in and cleanly takes the ball away from Dani. Both Dani and Sergi run after Macherano. "You need to pay attention to the game being played, Dani..." I grumbled as I watch the ball hit the back of the net after Macherano kicks it from a close range.

"Ha! Get ready to carry me Marc!" Gerard yells from across the field.

"Geri you have to win first!" Mia yells at him. This is going to be interesting.

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