The beautiful thing

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He turns arounds and with a grim expression on his face says
"Hello" again.
He is perfect, high cheekbones, brownish hair, soft looking lips and a kind face. I'm still staring at his shirt that makes his skin look tanned and toned.
"Hello" he says for the third time, he says it like he is urging something.
"Oh, ah hi." I mange to say
"Do you always stare?" He asked in a sexy, but rude tone.
"Um, well..." but what I'm thinking is "I only stare at bloody supermodels." "No, it's just..."
He looked at me curiously.
"Could he stop being so damn cute." I thought I thought to myself.
He laughed, did I really just say that out loud?
"I don't get that much, my name is Thomas." He says with a smirk and outstretched his hand.
I blush, look down and takes his hand. It feel like it was made from silk.
"Chelsea" I mumble, I take my hand out of his and look down at it to see if his sexiness is contagious, unfortunately it isn't and a still have paper cut hands from my job at the bookstore.
"How do you do know about the lake, Thomas?" I ask curiously, not many people knew how to get there and it was getting the better of me.
"Mr Skives is my uncle, he is my mum's brother." Thomas spat in anger, it surprised me and I jumped a little.
"Mr Skives has never talked about siblings, he was nice." I say defensively, what would kind Mr Skives ever do to this hot...- "Keep focusing, Chelsea." I remind myself. - this boy.
"When was the last time you talked to him? Did he roar and scream in your face? Did he blame you for a death?" Thomas says calmly, but his face is red.
"No, but I know about the death and I haven't seen him since." I say slowly
"He is an outright rude. Ever since Anna died." Thomas glance at our feet in anger.
"Anna was my best friend, we shared many secrets and we told each other everything. But she never mentioned Aunties and Cousins." I say
"It is because..." But Thomas didn't finish "never mind" he mutters
It is starting to get late, I will have leave even though the thought of leaving this sexy boy is to much for me.
"I better get going, I'll see you around, Thomas" I say as I turn around and walk up the steps.
"Wait." He calls "will we ever meet again?"
"If the world wants us to, then so be it." I think he gets the picture. I have no doubt as I turn around at the top of the stairs and see a smirk on his face. He really is a beautiful thing.

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