Ch 11. Slowing things down

Start from the beginning

"How do you know that?" Eevee questioned.

"There are some things you shouldn't know about me," Shinx replied. "But if there was a sudden spike of atomic energy, that means something blew up."

"What could've blown up? There was no explosion?" Buizel wondered.

Pegasus sighed. "Who knows, but what I do know is that-"

"Miss Pony Lady?"

Pegasus looked down and saw Pichu standing near her leg. "Oh, hello sweetheart. Where's your mommy?"

"She's having one of her panic moments again," Pichu told her.

With Jolteon


Back with the others

"Can't say I'm surprised. Is there something you need Pichu?" Pegasus asked the small mouse.

"Will big brother be ok?" Pichu asked sadly.

Pegasus hesitated before responding. "He'll be ok. Your brother is strong, he'll be able to pull through."

"Are we safe?"

"We are. For now..."

"Why is Raichu mad that no girl loves and wants to do the special dance with him?"

"...Who told you about this 'special dance'?"

"Mommy did, but she was also crying too."

Pegasus had a disgusted look on her face. "Ok... Pichu, don't mention this special dance ever again. It's a naughty word."

"I thought a fuck was a naughty word?" Pichu said confused.

"Just stay quiet for a bit, I'll buy you ice cream if you do," Pichu nodded and sat down next to Pegasus. Suddenly, the door to the kingdom hospital opened. Out came Smeargle, who had a look of relief on his face.

Pegasus walked up to Smeargle. "How did it go? Is he ok?"

"I'm happy to say the surgery was a success. But Pikachu is still in bad shape. I think you should have a look, but I warn you, it's not a pretty sight," Smeargle warned. Pegasus nodded, she turned to Eevee, Shinx, and Buizel with a worried look.

"You three stay out here for now. I need to see how bad this is," Pegasus said. The three girls nodded. Pegasus turned to Pichu with a gentle smile. "Pichu, stay with them until I get back, ok?"

Pichu nodded. Pegasus and Smeargle turned and walked into the hospital.


Up in the sky, a purple private jet was zooming through the sky. Inside the jet was princess Mara and her assistant, Teddiursa.


"Y-Yes ma'am?"

"How much longer until we reach the kingdom?"

"About an hour Mara."

Mara huffed. "Can't this plane go any faster? I want to see my Pika as quickly as I can."

"Sorry ma'am, but we have to obey air traffic rules," Teddiursa said.

Mara rolled her eyes. "Great. Just fantastic. Teddiursa, give me the latest update on the Amber Kingdom."

Teddiursa opened her laptop and began searching for the latest news on Amber. "Hmm, it seems like the Amber championship stadium has been destroyed. The WBA has suspended the tournament for four months courtesy of threats from former King Raichu."

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