chapter one: rough sketch

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brett yang woke up, it was 5:44 in the afternoon. he had his cellphone and a white bottle that he doesn't even know anything about in the wooden table beside his hospital bed. with the clock that the hospital kept for the patients, including him.

he was breathing heavily, just staring blankly at the ceiling. something feels wrong, or maybe that's just because of my state.

"how do you feel? are you in pain? are you okay?"

he nodded, trying his best to turn his head and his body to the person who started the conversation without feeling any pain.

"my goodness, what a way to start your life in here," he adjusted his glasses and sighed, he doesn't want to feel anything now, honestly. "you poor dear. don't worry you'll get back in no time."

he glanced at the woman, talking to him.

ahh, my grandma.

"sorry, grandma." he replied, leaning his head heavily against the pillow.

"oh, don't worry yourself over it," his grandma replied. he turned his head to see her.

"uh, does my dad know?" he asked, visibly worried about his dad, and not a bit, about himself. he knew he would interrupt his dad's trip and he'd be worried the entire time. his dad needed that time, after all.

"i haven't told him," his grandma answered. the other woman in the room with them was also listening to their conversation, her beautiful brunette hair is tied into a high ponytail. "henry is in india at the moment, isn't he?" she looks really like his mother now that brett had observed her seriously. it's been a long time since he has last seen her after all.

"want me to tell him? i have his number."

brett shrugged and sat up on the bed, he adjusted his glasses again as soon as it almost fell off his nose. "no thank you, i will contact him myself. besides, i don't want him to worry about me too much. he sure needs that trip."

the woman in the room with them was still looking at him. the glasses she had sat perfectly on her nose, just like brett's. she smiled while staring at brett.

"yeah, that's probably best, henry might come rushing back here as soon as he learns about your condition right now," she agreed at brett's reply to his grandma. brett nodded and turned back his head to his grandma when he realized she was about to talk any second now.

"that henry......he's such a dutiful man."

brett felt his lips we're dry, but he decided to just listen to his grandma's voice.

"in all this time since petunia died."

the brown-haired woman turned at the window inside the room, she can perfectly see the new journey that awaits them, also, a new world. the sky was pretty, and it's mixed with purple and pink, too aesthetically pleasing.

"that's the yomiyama river flowing, through the center of the town," she pointed out, a wide grin in her face. she looked interested about everything in here in yomiyama. "and can you see the grounds beyond it?"

"uhm...." brett rubbed his chest, and looked at outside the window. "do you mean that building?"

"yeah," the woman answered quickly, the smile in her face isn't fading away. brett stared at the building long enough.

"that's the school you'll be attending when you recover," she finally spoke, cheerfulness in her tone of voice. brett still looked emotionless, he was too tired to give a reaction anyway.

"is that the same school you went to, charlotte?" he asked the brown-haired woman. the brown-haired woman, now named charlotte shrugged and turned to him to answer his question.

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