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    So I had a crush on this guy named Michael during college. He's wasn't in my class, but we saw each other everyday. One day, as I normally would, I texted him saying, "bathroom". We were never able to hang out anywhere else and we didn't go to break at the same time. We met at the bathroom and talked. I started talking about other guys and he seemed surprised. I quickly changed the subject and started talking about my class. He stopped me and said, "Who do you like?? Adam? (rly popular guy)" I responded, "No! He's a jerk!" Michael smiled and asked, "Do you like me?" I started blushing and stuttered, " Umm, yea I guess?" He then stared at me and suddenly slammed me against the wall. It startled me and I squealed. He whispered in my ear, "Hush, baby." I blushing and was about to kiss him when he suddenly kissed me on the neck. I was surprised and kissed him on the cheek. He leaned away and grinned. I blushed and he kissed me on the lips. I then quickly kissed him back. We did this over and over until Michael finally had enough. As he leaned forward, a long curly strand of his hair dangled down. He then kissed me, and didn't stop. The sensation was magical and I closed my eyes and hugged him. Michael then slowly moved his smooth lips away and looked up at me. His eyes were sparkling, and he gave me an evil smirk. I gave him a confused look and he eased his lips onto my neck. He then rubbed his arm down mine and held my hand. I kissed his hand and he smiled. He let go of my hand and rubbed his down my stomach. His hand ended up resting on my shorts. He then slid his hands down them. I smiled at the sight even though I was a little worried. He was about to go down to my panties, when the bell rang. He looked up at me and kissed me on the lips. We both ran to our classes and he turned around and yelled, "Love you!" I turned and blew a kiss at him. He caught it and stuck his hand to his lips. I chucked and went into my classroom. My best friend Tina walked up to me and said, "Hey, what took ya so long? You missed half of class!" "Oh, I had diarrhea and there wasn't any toilet paper so I had to find more in the bathroom. I found some and there were no paper towels to dry my hands off, so I used toilet paper. And I got a sip from the water fountain." Tina smiled and said, "Oh, okay!" and walked out of the classroom. I followed her and spotted Michael down the hall. He noticed me too and he smiled and made his hands into a heart shape. I did the same and smiled back. He turned and went out the doors. I blushed and followed Tina to the buses.
    As we were walking to the bus, I remembered that Michael rode the same bus as I do. I started thinking about what happened in the bathroom and started blushing. When I got onto the bus, I found Michael waiting for me at the back. I waved at him and he looked up and smiled. I sat my bags down and plopped down next to him. He looked at me and held my hand. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. He then kissed my forehead and leaned against me. I looked up at him and smiled. He noticed and smiled back. About a minute later, we fell asleep. All of the sudden, the bus went over a train track and it woke us up. I was startled and held onto Michael. I then realized what I had done and looked up at him. He chuckled and smiled. We then quickly kissed and held hands the whole way home. When the bus stopped to drop off Michael, he grabbed his bags and got up. He then quickly turned around, kissed me and said, "Love you." I responded back, "Love you, too." He smiled and left. That night, I dreamed about him. I dreamed that we would get married and have kids. We would live on a massive ranch and we would be rich. Michael would be a singer and be the most famous artist in the world. I was never expecting what would happen in 9 years.

(Long story short, it happened. Michael and I got married and we now live on a ranch named Neverland. Michael has millions of fans all around the world. We named the children Prince and Paris.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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