Blade of Power

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Young Halla East was waddling around the house on her third birthday when she heard hushed whispers coming from the kitchen.

When she finally arrived her parents were quietly talking while making dinner, "Do you think she will manifest?" Her mother asked worried .

Her father shook his head, "No. Both of our families are pure Normal." Her mother tugged nervously on her raven colored hair.

Her father handed his wife the knife so she could cut up the onions as he turned to the pot of soup.

Halla didn't know what was going on, but she had an idea; She would scare her parents. The two year old crept silently towards her mother.

When she was three feet away from the lady she struck, "HI MOTHER!!!" The two year old squealed loudly .

Her mother shrieked and threw the closest thing to her at her daughter: the knife.

It was as if time itself stopped. Her father turned to push his daughter out of the way. Her mother tried to grab the knife as Halla held out her hands to block the knife.

Halla pushed her hands out to defend herself wincing and closing her eyes in preparation for impact.

She waited. After about ten seconds she relaxed but didn't open her eyes. The kitchen was dead silent.

She opened her eyes to reveal her mother's frightened face. Her mother scrambled back, in fear of her barely two daughter, "H-Halla dear, p-put the k-knife down." Her mother asked warily .

Halla then noticed the floating knife hovering an inch away from Halla's face. The little girl giggled. When Halla moved her hand the knife copied her movements.

"Daren... call the BPA." Halla, never before heard her father's name asked, "Who's Daren?"

He mother gave her a shaky smile, "T-That's f-father." Halla looked confused, "Why are you scared Mother?" Halla started forwards to comfort her mother, but she winced in fear.

Halla's eyes widened and she recoiled back, "Mother, why are you a-afraid of me?" Her father burst into the room, " They are on their way."

He noticed the position his wife was in, "Halla dear, let's go pack a bag. You are going on a... vacation." Halla cheered and ran up the stairs.


Hey guys, gals, and non binary pals!! How was my first real chapter??? Comment, Vote, Share!! Thanks for reading!

QOTD: What is your favorite fandom?

Word Count: 410

See ya next time!


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