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Plus like all of the essential stuff and then I headed out not telling any of the boys you know kinda like when they went to Texas with out saying or when kio went to Florida without saying so ya and when I got there and got on the plane I was sat...

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Plus like all of the essential stuff and then I headed out not telling any of the boys you know kinda like when they went to Texas with out saying or when kio went to Florida without saying so ya and when I got there and got on the plane I was sat by a crying fucking baby ugh so after about 30 minutes of this urchin crying I couldn't take it any more so I looked over at the lady and said
L) excuse me mam can you please make your baby stop crying
Lady) no not really this is just kinda what baby's do
L) damnit lady shut that damn baby up right now or I will fucking do it my self
She looked a little taken back that I would say that but anyway like it worked so why not
Lady) ok I am so sorry

*skip the rest of the flight*

So you were now walking around the airport looking for Josh and I finally found him like ugh it took forever so I ran over to him as fast as I possibly could and jumped into his arms like this

AAnd so you guys just walked to the car talking about random shit Josh) so how have you beenL) oh well you know boating as usual oh and I almost got a puppy but I decided I didn't want to Josh) oh really why not you totally should get a puppyL) we...

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AAnd so you guys just walked to the car talking about random shit
Josh) so how have you been
L) oh well you know boating as usual oh and I almost got a puppy but I decided I didn't want to
Josh) oh really why not you totally should get a puppy
L) well I guess I could see what the boys say
Josh) we
L) what, what do you mean by "we"
Josh) I mean maby we could get a puppy and raise it together I mean if you want to
L)............uuuh y-ya
Josh) great so uhh do you wanna talk about this now or later
L) later I just wanna sleep in the car on our ride back to your house *giggles a little*
Josh) ok
So then we get in the car and you instantly rest your head on Josh's shoulder and soon fall asleep *this is a dream* then about ainute later I was woken up and got out of the car and saw Josh in the middle of the sidewalk kissing and feeling some random girl That he just randomly found on the street and I'm not gonna lie I was really hurt by it so I tried to forget about it and walk away but I started crying *end of dream*then Josh started to lightly shake my shoulder and I woke up and I didn't even realize until he said something
Josh) hey Lexie are you ok
L) ya why wouldn't I be
Josh) because you were crying in your sleep
L) oh shit I'm so sorry
Josh) sorry for what lex
L) are you seeing anyone like relationship, hookups a make out sesh
Josh) No Lexie I really really like you I would never do that to you
L) ok
Josh) why would you even think that
L) oh uh....it was just a dream that I had sorry joshy
Josh) well what do you think about us going to fast eddies and get food then go to my house
L) uhh ya sure what ever you want
Josh) no whatever you want
L) well I want you to be happy so ya
Josh) ok well then let's get going

*time skip*

You walked in his front door and...

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