This wont end well

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I playfully slapped his arm and said...

L) can you pull all of my hair out of the back of my shirt for me
Josh) ya sure
He says as he walks over to me and starts to put his hands under my hair then I just about instantly turned around and kissed him that lasted for about 15 seconds till I remembered our little talk and pulled away and said
L) it's me isn't it
Josh) what
He said looking all cute and confused
L) yesterday you said that you liked a girl who has a boyfriend, is going through a rough patch and is really understanding so it's me isn't it
Josh)... Um ya it is I'm so sorry I'll leave
And just as he says that you grab his arm and pull him in for another long passionate kiss but he then slides his tongue across your bottom lip as if he was asking for permission so I slowly opened my mouth a little hut more and let his tongue in the it was like our tongues were fighting for dominance but well he won of course so we just kept doing that for about 20 minutes till we were rudely interrupted by someone barging in to the bathroom door so I decide to look over to see who it was and it was Tayler oh shit I completely forgot that Tayler was out there waiting for me goddammit Lexie you always do this, you have everything going good for you then you go and screw everything up
Tay) oh... Shit yo Josh what the fuck
Josh) relax buddy it's not what it looks like
Tay) oh really becUse what it looks like is you were just pushing Lexie here up against the wall and trying to see how far down her through you can stick your tongue dude
I couldn't just stand there and watch poor innocent Josh get in trouble boring something that I started and plus I felt like so so, so bad
About it
L) Tayler don't
Tay) what do you mean don't Lexie you know damn well what just happened
L) ya I do and YOU don't so don't go making assumptions about whatever it is that you think you just saw but it really wasn't what you think it was
Tay) Oh really so then tell me what I just saw wasn't Josh sticking his tongue down your throught
L) it wasn't his fault because he was about to leave but then I pulled him back to me
Tay) woah dude you can't just be homie hopping
L) excuse me are you accusing me of being the sway house slut
Tay) no that's not at all what I'm saying
L) well I'm not homie hopping you asshole
Tay) then what do you call it when you break up with bryce then go to Josh like literally 2 days later
L) if you really want to know what Josh was doing in NY room I'll show you
Tay) yes please do
After that I took off my place shirt and showed him my arm and he just stood there with his mouth wide open
L) Josh was helping me through a tough time and so I was emotional and I don't know what I was thinking when I started kissing Josh but it doesn't matter because it was all a big mistake
After saying that I walked out and hod in the corner of my closest then after Tayler left me and Josh just watched movies
Josh) hey um lex did you really mean what you said in the bathroom about us kissing being a mistake
L) no of course not
Then we both fell asleep

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