when he finds out he likes you

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(This will be in his pov cause like make shit makes it easier and makes sense)

🥦broccoli baby🥦

Its been about a month since I met L/n, and she's grown on me. She has such a nice smile, and has amazing H/l H/c what compliments her E/c eyes, she is somehow able to communicate without words, just through her body language and the expression on her face.

I didn't even notice I was spacing out until I felt Uraraka's hand across the side of my face.

"Deku you have been ignoring me for the past few minutes, i was saying your name and everything" Iida just stood there looking me up and down trying to find out what I was thinking about, I guess it doesn't help I was blushing at the thought of the other girl.

"I was just thinking about-"

"Oh my god! Was it about L/n? You always get so flustered around her, you like her don't you!?" Uraraka looked at me excitedly.

'Do I really have a crush? It make sense, yeah, i guess i do'

"Um yeah, I-I think i l-love her"

💥boom boom bitch💥
Already had a crush on you and im lazy so like, deal with it


Ive been hanging out with L/- I mean Y/n, she stated to get me to call her that for some reason.

We were currently at the cinema watching a movie, and Y/n had her head rested on my shoulder, it was actually quite comfortable.

It was half way through the movie that I noticed the H/c girl had fallen asleep on me, she seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

I mumbled an 'I love you' before looking back up to the screen and watching the rest of the movie with a small smile that decided to grow on my face.

⛰ROCKafeller street⛰

After going over and talking to that girl in the gym and hanging out with her more I realized how amazing and manly she is, I think I might have a crush on her.

⚡electric baby⚡
Already liked you and im a lazy bitch so suck my left toe.

💛spiderman reject💛

Y/n was over at my house one night and she asked if it was ok for her to spend the night even though she didn't tell me why, obviously I still let her stay over, she is my friend after all.

Although recently ive started to feel different around her, my heart would race whenever i was around her, i would get a knot in my stomach when we would hang out, i would always have this weird feeling in my chest when she would smile at me.

'Y/n I think im in love with you'

🏃‍♂️ I am Spa- SONIC BITCH🏃‍♂️
Same as Broccoli boy's cause i cant think of anything so yeah

💜sleep? Never heard of her💜

Its been a few weeks after i met L/n on the train and I talking with Hatsume(soz if i spelt it wrong) about how i felt towards the girl

" OH MY GOD SHINSO HAS A CRUSH" she practically screeched

"So what if I do?" I said calmly

"OHHHHHHHH IM SO GOING TO GO TELL HER" she yelled going to the door but I quickly grabbed her wrist

"No, im going to be the one to tell her, eventually"

Boys, Boys, Boys Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt