Cuddly Sunday (Rafe Cameron x Reader)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Once I'm clean and dressed, I'm all yours"

"Promise?" you ask while holding up your pinky.

"Promise," He says, intertwining your pinkies and smiling down at you.

His hand gives your thigh one last squeeze before he gets up and walks over to his closet.

You snuggle your face into his pillow as you roll on the bed and out of the covers, and you hug it right away when recognizing the smell.

"I love you," You say out loud, your voice now muffled by the pillow, as you heard Rafe walking to the bathroom.

"I love you too," he says, a smile prominent in his voice before letting out a breathy chuckle.

You smile into the pillow as your belly erupts into butterflies just like a little girl who has a crush, and the bathroom door closes.

You turn the TV on once you notice that something might be more entertaining than sniffing a pillow and smiling like an idiot. And you wait for Rafe while watching some weird show on TLC.

The shower is turned off after some time and you almost sigh in relief. You're bored out of your mind and for some reason, you forgot to charge your phone overnight.

You sit up while looking at the TV, staring at the screen, lost in thought - not actually watching anything.

The door of the bathroom opens after a few minutes and Rafe walks out, wearing a pair of black sweatpants but still shirtless; and his hair is still wet, even though it looked like he tried to dry most of it with a towel since it's so messy.

Rafe walks over to the bed, running his fingers through the mess in his head and you give him a small smile while you open your arms in the air as if you're asking for a hug.

Once Rafe gets close enough, the golden light from the sun hits his tan skin, and he sits down. He falls into your arms, making you fall back into the comfortable mattress with his weight and impact. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him towards you until the two of you are completely laying down.

Rafe snuggles his face into the crook of your neck, making you lightly giggle as his hair tickles your skin, and he shifts his weight a little bit to the side, so he isn't laying completely on you.

The sunlight coming through the window warms his cold back while your hands move along his soft skin, tracing imaginary lines and sometimes gripping his broad shoulders, which you love more and more every day.

Rafe kisses your neck while he melts into your touch, enjoying every single movement of your fingers, sometimes getting some chills as you would trace his spine.

After maybe half an hour, you got up and walked to the bathroom to do your whole morning routine, changing to one of Rafe's shirts, which always tend to be softer and more comfortable than your own. And once you come back to bed, you notice that Rafe had already chosen a movie for the two of you to watch.

You throw yourself on top of Rafe, who pressed play in the movie before his hands could go to you. You look at the screen while your head laid on his chest, trying to see what movie it was by the opening credits.

While you were focused on the screen, Rafe played with the hem of the shirt that you're wearing and pulls it up to your hips before playfully smacking your butt and giving the back of your thigh a squeeze.

You glare at him once he does it and he smiles down at you.

"Don't start a war you can't win," You warn him, making him chuckle under you.

"And what would be that war?"

"The booty smacking one" You joke while trying to keep a straight face, which didn't really work as your lips started to curve.

"Are you sure you would win that?" Rate teases and you pull yourself up higher to be face to face with him, making his hands fall from your lower back to the back of your thighs.

"I-I'm not answering that," You say while trying to sound serious while trying not to giggle as your lips were less than an inch away from his.

"Oh, are you scared?"

"A woman is never scared of a man like you" You whisper, making him break his serious expression and actually laugh in your face.

You smile at his contagious laugh and peck his lips while listening to the giggles you've always loved. They've always made you feel warm and giddy on the inside and you don't think that will ever change.

You snuggle in the side of his head while listening to the characters from the movie talk as background noise while Rafe calmed down. You kiss his jaw and his temple before laying your head back down and relaxing on top of him.


After some hours, you two are still in bed. You've eaten breakfast and lunch already and now, you're just watching some other movie, which was (to you) much more interesting than the last one.

Rafe is sitting with his back leaning on the bedframe, while your head laid on his thigh and your arms wrapped around his hips.

While you're focused on the movie, Rafe's fingers would sometimes run through your hair. And when bored, he would grab a small piece of your hair and get entertained by braiding it, which you never realize until you would go to the bathroom and look in the mirror to then see the random braids on the sides of your head.

It's literally like when you just have an afternoon with a toddler that really wants to become a hairstylist.

The whole day was filled with cuddling, playing with each other's hair, and falling asleep for a few minutes while in complete relaxation.

By the time it was getting dark, you two laid down and just talked. Not caring about any movie, only on the conversation. And when you would talk, Rafe would trace imaginary lines into your skin, while you would play with his hair.

And let me tell you: even though this kind of day may sound boring to other people, you wouldn't trade it for the world. And neither would he.

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Hope you liked it. And before anybody asks, I don't take requests via Wattpad! And yes, these were written by me!

Btw, just so I don't get attacked over writing about Rafe. Here's a post from somebody else on Tumblr, (which I reblogged) about Rafe's situation.

 Here's a post from somebody else on Tumblr, (which I reblogged) about Rafe's situation

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Outer Banks Imagines [@billyspotato]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें