Candy Crisis

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In the town of Ponyville, another magical day is in progress. The town residents wandered about, having fun and enjoying the daily activities. On this day, Twilight Sparkle and her number one assistant, Spike, made their way through town reminiscing over their most recent adventures. In such a short time, they've traveled to two different world and foil a great evil from tearing it to shreds. It began with their travels to Oz, where they helped Dorothy defeat the Wicked Witch of the West, followed by a trip to Spooky Island, where they discovered Chrysalis had returned and stopped her from seizing power to control the globe for thousands of years.

Speaking of which, Chrysalis was a huge factor. Ever since the Mane Six returned from Spooky Island, Twilight Sparkle had been researching nonstop trying to figure out how Chrysalis, Tirek, and even Cozy Glow were freed of their imprisonment. The only clue she had to go by was their allegiance with a mysterious benefactor, but even then, she had no idea 'who' or even 'what' it was. She skimmed through every possibility to uncover the identity of this benefactor, particularly any being with a long history against Equestria, but thus far she's come up empty-hoofed every time.

Thankfully, not everything was entirely bad news. Between their travels and encounters with some new friends, she was able to conduct some work with Princess Celestia, to fully stabilize the vortex emanating from the television. This way, the magic stemming within the black box would be easy control to allow the ponies easy transport rather than complete randomness. All they needed now was a reason to conduct an experiment to prove it works.


A loud scream drew Twilight Sparkle from her thoughts, as she and Spike turned toward the distance where it came from.

"Spike, you heard that, right?"

"I'm sure all of Equestria heard it," Spike responds, holding his ears.

"Only 'one' pony I know would scream like that..."

"Pinkie Pie!!!" Twilight and Spike said, in unison.

Speaking of which, the little pink party pony herself barreled down the street at super sonic speed. So fast, she created a huge draft that nearly knocked over many other unfortunate ponies in its wake. Even Cranky Doodle and his wife, Matilda, who were just crossing the street, minding their own business, felt the wind pass so quick his wig goes flying off much to his annoyance.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!" Twilight shouts, holding her hooves in front of her. "Pinkie, slow down! STOP!!!"

Seeing her friend, Pinkie Pie drove her hooves deep onto the dirt road, skidding along the rest of the way till she halts right in front of her friend. Poor little Spike's eyes were so wide with fear, they looked as if they'd pop out his head as he clutched his heart which thumped rapidly against his chest.

"Twilight!" Pinkie exclaimed, quickly. "Thank Celestia, I found you! You got to hurry! It's terrible, it's horrible, it's so bad I don't think I can come up with the word to describe it. It's somewhere between horrible and volatile... HORRITILE! Yeah, that's what it is! YOU GOT TO FOLLOW ME!"

Pinkie Pie pulled Twilight Sparkle with all her might, running rapidly through town. Twilight couldn't keep up and eventually gets pulled across the ground. Spike held onto Twilight's tail, as he himself was dragged across the ground like a water-skier. Eventually, they arrived at Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie finally stops allowing Twilight to let go.

"YEOW!!!" Spike screams, clutching his feet. "HOT FEET! HOT FEET! OUT OF MY WAY! OUT OF MY WAY!"

Spike hops around madly, bouncing on one foot after another. At one point, he takes a foot, which was red along the bottom, desperately blowing to fan the heat to no avail. Eventually, he sees a nearby wooden tank of water and desperately hops in, sighing as his feet steam against the cold water.

Cinematic Adventures: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FactoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora