Chapter 1: The Dating app

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Angel POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I pick up the phone and turn the alarm off. It's 5am already, which means it's time for work. I scroll through the notifications on my phone, not seeing anything that is important, I lock my phone and grab my vape, and go down stairs. I can smell the coffee as I enter the kitchen. Still half asleep I find the coffee mugs and pouring a big mug of coffee for myself. After I drink my coffee and scroll through Snapchat and Facebook, I go back upstairs putting on my work clothes. I go downstairs, get my keys and say goodbye to my mom. I get in my car and head to work.

I was excited because today I had a hair appointment and that meant that my hair was now going to be a new color. As the day goes on it goes by fast and before I know it, I am sitting in the chair at the hair salon. My hairdresser is the best person I know.

"Lara, I don't understand why every guy I talk to is the same." I said to her as I let out a breath of air.

She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. " I don't know hun. Have you tried Hinge?". She says this with hope in her eyes.

I look at her confused, "What is that Lara?"

As the words leave my mouth she looks at me with shock all over her face. This woman must be losing her fucking mind, was she just making up things so that I won't loose hope in being happy one day. But as I look back up at her again I realize that this can't be a joke.

"It's a dating app, better than tinder and the guys tend to want more than just sex. It's how I meant Kyle."

" Ohhh, no I haven't heard of it I'll have to give it a try tonight." I said to her. She looks at me and nods.

When I am done I go back home shower and go to my room before dinner. I download the app and start on my profile. As I finish, I start to scroll through the guys reading the bios, and swiping on the guys I think are cute. I stop as I find Ryder. His eyes caught my attention, they seemed to tell a story of their own.

I keep staring at the picture on his profile for a good five minutes before I even think about starting to look through what he has said in the bio part. I find out that he is from Maryland and I get sad, of course this man is from another state. I have never had much luck with the guys from Pennsylvania. I keep looking through his bio even though I know I don't have a chance in hell with this man, and I find out that he is also 6'1. By the time I have finished looking over the profile I have already made up my mind that I am just going to swipe on him anyway and see what happens.

After I eat dinner and go through a couple more profiles. It just seems like everyone is so dry now a days. I just want someone who will pull me from my small world and make me feel important. After awhile I decided that it is time for bed, giving up on looking thru the profiles for the night. There is more to people than what they put in these things right? With that thought I drift off to sleep.

The next week goes by fast. Between work and trying to get life back together, it's all turned into blur of time. Next think I know boom it's Saturday. I have gotten a couple of replies off the new dating app, but the guys don't seem to really want to hold a conversation with me. Seems like no matter what app you are on men still want the same thing. Everyone tells me that if I wasn't so picky maybe I wouldn't be alone. I'm starting to think that everyone is right, maybe I should be more open to people out side of my type. I shake the thought as continue what I was doing. I keep doing my Saturday tasks cleaning the house and doing my laundry.

I hear my phone go off, but I don't bother to pay attention to it. Probably another dead end anyway, well that is until later. I go to change the song I am listening to when I see that I have a hinge notification from a new match. I tap on it to see that the really handsome man with tattoos matched with me and wants me to start the conversation. As I looked through the profile I realized that it was the same guy that I took a chance and swiped on.

I start to lose my shit just for a second. After I am done freaking out, I think about what I want to say to him that isn't simple. I must have typed twenty things before I choose, "Hello. How are you doing cutie?"

After sending it, I put the phone down not expecting an answer back from him because hello I am not thin and I am definitely not the prettiest. I mean to paint you a picture. I am about 215lbs and Im 5'7. I have natural brown hair with some re highlights and to top it all off I have glasses. I have always had problems with my self confidence. After everything that happened to me when I was younger. I shiver just thinking about it, and instantly my mood does a 360.

It hits me like a ton of bricks, a wave of depression. I have always had problems with my depression it hasn't been easy trying to handle it on my own but I refuse to get put on meds that are just going to make me fake happy. I think about how I am more than just my weight and that one day I will be okay and everything will work out. As I go back to hanging my laundry on the drying line. To put it lightly I am a hot mess minus the hot part.

My phone goes off as I come out of deep thought and when I look down to see that Ryder messaged me, "Hey I'm good, I'm not on here much do you have snap?"

I think about it for a minute before just saying to hell with it and typing out my snap and hitting send. I just hope that this isn't going to be another mistake. I have been thru a lot of bullshit with ex boyfriends. I don't have the best luck picking the men that I start dating and by the time I figure out this information, Im already in too deep.

So now I just wait and see if this comes to bit me in the ass.

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