"do you think that guys is the reason Albus was upset?"
Rose asked

"But how they don't even know each other,... or do they.?" SCORPIUS had a confused puzzle face look.


'Find out what!' Albus spat as he firmly placed the cup of potions on the table

(Fine me and Scorpius had been dating for a while!)

The bell class rang as Albus eyes grew wide open

He speed walk off followed by Mark.

"Now im worried did you see how Albus got angry" Rose was shocked and confused

"Or furious!!" scorpius felt a worried look but he couldn't follow Albus, Albus had a free period while
Scorpius need to get to class.

——__(Free period)__——

Albus ran to the prefix bathroom

"Albus wait!" Mark exclaimed
"What do you want from me!" Albus said sitting on the ground of the floor

"I need to tell you what happened"

"I saw that kiss how you pinned him and kissed him until he had no air" Albus let's tear down his eyes.

"Albus okay me and Scorpius dated but it's over and we never did anything"
Mark wiped the tear off Albus cheek

"You and Scorpius broke up why? I mean you guys seamed happy" Albus was sad and confused

"We were but he kept talking about his little angel, I'm no angel"

Albus cheeks flush with a light pink coloring

"And im guessing your his " Little Angel" aren't you"
Albus stayed quiet

"He really liked you he wouldn't stop talking about you"

"But how did you guys break up?"

"As I was kissing him he thought stuff about you like "I wish he could kiss me like he does","his rosie pink cheeks I love it", he doesn't know I read minds so I kind of got away from the kiss it was getting too awkward and I convinced him he liked you"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's okay I just needed a break that's why I wasn't there yesterday, wait how did you see us kissing?" Mark asked seeing as he never answered him

"I used an invisibility cloak and I knew he was there because he thought about one day me swing the stars with him"
Albus said trying not to make Mark jealous or either way.

"I'm guessing you didn't came yesterday because you were jealous and quote on quote "disgusted" by me"

Albus looked down at the ground

"Yeah im sorry but I don't even know if I'm gay if I like scorpius?if I'm going to disappoint my family? I don't know if I-"

Mark stoped Albus from talking and kissed him on his lips shutting him up

'I wondered how Scorpius felt'

Mark pulled slowly away from the kiss

"See the fact that you couldn't last a minute without thinking of Scorpius should say a lot" Mark said looking at Albus green eyes.

"Plus you need help practicing kisses but I'm sure scorpius and you could teach each other"

"Did you and Scorpius ever umm.. went pass the kissing base?" Albus said awkwardly

"No I mean we were about to pass that base but.. we'll he likes you, he really likes you" Mark sincere

The bell rang Albus gave Mark a big hug
"Thanks" Albus said an heded off to class

"Alright class get with your partner and begin doing your potion"
'I'm not jealous anymore I'm just so mad him he didn't tell me he was gay!' Albus thought

"Hey did he umm tell you anything "
Scorpius sheepishly asked

Albus didn't answer
(Fuck I'm not ready for this)
Scorpius freaks out
Albus ignores him for the rest of the class.

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