Shirabu cleared his throat and got our full serious attention. "日野歩美さんが。。最近ちょっと(Hino Ayumi-san.. is recently, a bit.)" He looked up at us with the most serious look he's had on his non-volleyball mode. "ムカつく(Annoying)," he added.

[ Extra information: "Mukatsuku" is closely related to "Sickening" ]

The term he used shocked both me and Tooru. It was a bit harsh to describe a woman that way. But Shirabu doesn't really voice out his opinions recklessly.

"日野歩美は誰?(Who is Hino Ayumi?)" I asked.

Shirabu answered, "白鳥沢の生徒会長 (Shiratorizawa's student council president.)"

"名前のように、日野さんが美人だ (Like her name, Hino-san is a beauty.)" The words that Tooru added sparked some intense fury inside of me, but when I saw how serious his face was, my heart felt at ease.

Shirabu took of the cap he was wearing and replied, "そう。だけど、俺を好きに欲しくない(That's right. But, I don't want her to like me.)" his expression alone said a lot of things.

Things like he still wants me, that volleyball is enough for him, that Hino Ayumi isn't me.

"御免白布 (I'm sorry Shirabu.)" I bowed my head. The silent gasps I heard let me know that the two boys weren't expecting me to do such a thing. I stood back up and, as I looked at Shirabu, took a step closer to Tooru's side.

He seemed to get my message. Shirabu gave me a tired smile and said, "いいよ。問題ない (It's okay. There's no problem.)"

"分かった (I know)," Tooru stated out of the blue. "手伝いして(I'll help you.)"

This scene.. Somehow, reminds me of what Koizumi Yui said the other day.


From that one hour we spent with Shirabu, Tooru used a stick to draw his plan on the sand, but ended up drawing stick mans instead. He had no plan.

We found out that Hino has been using her position as president to get closer to Shirabu, and he hated this. What's worse is that she's got the members of the volleyball team supporting her. Hino hasn't confessed yet, but her actions alone already exposed her feelings for Shirabu. Honestly, I disliked her from his description, but when he showed me her picture, there's no way I could hate such a beauty.

Right after Shirabu showed Hino's picture, Tooru argued that he had a better one. He quickly got his phone and shoved his lockscreen on Shirabu's face. Immediately, redness engulfed his face. I took a peek from the side and realized it was me in a disguise.

We got chaotic from then onwards, and it was difficult to get the three of us to calm down. Every time we almost reached the state of calmness, one of us tries to pick a fight again. Only when we all fell extremely tired, then Tooru gave some advice.

"チャンスを与えて(Give her a chance)," Tooru said in between pants.

Shirabu was frowning at Tooru's piece of advice, but at the same time, he knew that he had to follow it, or else nothing will change in his situation.

"ども(Thanks)," Shirabu greeted as we all got up to our feet, ready to leave. It was all good till the last minute. Shirabu and Tooru glared at each other as if they were about to face-off in a volleyball game. "でも俺負けないですよ(But I won't lose.)"

Tooru raised his chin, using just his eyes to look down at Shirabu. "おヤー?どうかな?君の女が。。(Oya—? I wonder how? Your woman..)" His hand crept on my shoulder and abruptly pulled me to his side. "もう俺ものだ (Is already mine.)"

Shirabu smirked. He took a step closer to me and interlocked our fingers, bringing it up so he could kiss the back of my hand. "未来で君が俺の彼女だ (In the future, you're my girlfriend)," he declared. His action made Tooru slap his hand away with much irritation on his face.

What started with an innocent talk ended up with a cold war. Tooru was still bothered by it on the way home. Speaking of home, he was supposed to send me to our house already, but my mom insisted I stay with Tooru for the night.

"俺に信じないの?(Don't you trust me?)" I asked him, cupping his cheeks with both my hands. I pouted while doing this, hoping to calm him down.

His hands held my wrist, and his thumbs rubbed circles on my skin. "君に信じてよ。彼がない (I trust you. But not him.)" The sweet look on his face when he said the first line turned sour and adorable.

I can't believe I like this guy.

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