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                Hello, loyal followers, all (counts silently) Well, that number is kind of depressing right now for me, so let's move on!

        As the title implies, I will be using this book to let you know the progress I'm making on all my other books! Bookception! ha ha, but serious business time. More specifically, in this book you will find:

~Update logs on my upcoming stories

~News on new books I have planned

~Random short stories (rarely. This may spin-off into its own book)

~Question pages for you, my followers!

~Anime and book reviews (rarely. This may spin-off into its own book)

~Links to trailers for my books

~Excerpts from upcoming chapters and parts

~Mini-Roleplays (Rarely. This may spinn-off into its own book)

~Q&A for any questions you have!

        So, feel free to ask questions at any time on this book! As for updates, those will come later.

Wiz is Keepin' ya up to Date!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora