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Before the next chapter starts I just want to show all the forms of sky breathing I actually worked hard this time for the rose breathing I just randomly picked names to go with the actions because I thought I was just going to use this story as a pastime and rarely update at all but I got invested in it and so I decided to change the breath style to something I could be proud of.

1st form: beautiful blue sky
- Quick slash out of the sheath

2nd form: glorious night sky
- Quick downwards slash

3rd form: cloudy sky's
- multiple consecutive slashes

4th form: calm before the storm
- Gentle painless slash for demons who have regretted there actions and accepted death
(This is obviously inspired by water breathing 5th form)

5th form: stormy sky's
- Spins around multiples times in a circle typically used when surrounded

6th form: skyfall
- strikes blade down ward twice

7th form: pierced heavens
- Quickly stab multiple times

8th form: intertwined day and night sky
- jumps towardds the enemy spinning their body rapidly creating a vortex that rips through opponents 

It's been a few months since my first mission shinobu has passed the final selection now with her self developed insect breathing and I had my sky breathing almost perfect.
It was late at night. I was walking down the path when my crow came screeching new orders for me

"Up ahead demon attack up ahead hurry hurry"

I quickly started running I wouldn't let anybody die today
When I made it to the attack I saw a family of three a mother, father and their son the father was bleeding a lot he was protecting his family from the demon with an axe

I jumped towards them my hand on my katana

"Breath of sky first form: beautiful blue sky"

Drawing my katana I cut off the demons arms so he couldn't attack

'That wasn't perfect but it was close'
I thought
I had been practicing the breath of sky during my travels and have gotten pretty good

"Are you alright sir"
I ask as I step in front of him to block him and his family from the demon as it's arms regenerate

"Y-yes I'm fine thank you"
He says

"Please back away as far as possible I won't be able to go all out of your so close, don't worry I'll deal with this"

"Yes of course"
He takes his family and starts running to a safe distance

"Ha ha you think you can beat me, the great Hagane"
The demon says in a raspy voice

"I do believe I can"

" well then come at me you pathetic piece of crap"

"Breath of sky third form: cloudy sky's"

I lunge are him launching multiple consecutive strikes cutting his chest multiple times, as I go for the final hit his arm turns into a large steel sword blocking me from cutting his neck

"Haha you thought you had me didn't you well you thought wrong,
Observe my blood demon art steel blade"

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