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derek🦋, guys, vallyk
wants you guys to meet
his girlfriend😗 they've been
together for a few weeks now

adeline💙, we don't
wanna meet her gtfo.

vallyk, u guys wanna
meet her yeah? ok

kenzie💫, not really but

mikey🙂, k add her, or him

vallyk, huh?😐

vallyk added alyssa to friends🙂

adeline💙, i don't like alyssa
delete her-

adeline💙 removed alyssa from friends🙂

vallyk, why don't u like
her what did she do to you 😐

adeline💙, cause i don't.

vallyk, i. don't. give. a. fuck.
she's my girl :)

vallyk added alyssa to friends🙂

alyssa, hi!!

kenzie💫, LMFAO got a lil
to much energy "!!" head ass

mikey🙂, 💀


alyssa, did i do something?

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alyssa, did i do something?

vallyk, no

adeline💙, yes. you exist, and
vallyk you really have a thing for
girls with the letter a as the
first letter in their name DON'T

vallyk, stfu

alyssa, adeline kill yourself

adeline💙, i've been trying😪

adeline💙 added mariano💘 to friends🙂

vallyk removed mariano💘 from friends🙂

vallyk, no

derek🦋, u guys r acting
like kids💀

adeline💙 removed alyssa from friends🙂

vallyk, wtf is ur problem

adeline💙, what is urs?

kenzie💫, we don't like alyssa

vallyk, and we don't like mariano

adeline💙, shut up vallyk no
one asked you to speak get in

derek🦋, oh

vallyk, petty ass bitch🤦🏽‍♂️

adeline💙, ew ur so ew like
shut up💀 i literally hate you🤮

mikey🙂, LMAO y'all sound like

kenzie💫, argue all the time
like a married couple💀

vallyk added alyssa to friends🙂

adeline💙 added mariano💘 to friends🙂

vallyk, ur fucking annoying

vallyk left friends🙂

mariano💘, ?

alyssa, k adeline bitch
wtf is ur problem?

adeline💙, ouu you sound just
like vallyk 😍 y'all related

kenzie💫, YOU DID NOT-

alyssa, k stupid bitch relax tf
did i do omg aggressive much

adeline💙, you spoke, stfu
bye "omg" ass bitch no one
wants you here.

derek🦋, 😦😦😦

adeline💙 left friends🙂

kenzie💫, we don't
like you🤡 we don't like u
either mariano

kenzie💫 left friends🙂

alyssa, anyways😒

derek🦋 left friends🙂

mikey🙂 left friends🙂

mariano💘, ok then

alyssa, well hi i'm alyssa,

mariano💘, mariano

alyssa, okay cool we should
be friends🙂

mariano💘, yeah i guess

alyssa is alyssa howard on insta
bcuz she lowkey has a crush on

anyways 3 chapters left dw they
won't be together for long😌

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