found out

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Natsu POV

I wake up in a hospital bed and try to sit up but regretted it immediately when I started getting dizzy I almost fell off but gray caught me. He sat me up. He looked sad but happy too. "Hey guys!" I said giving my signature grin. "Natsu please stop fake smiling." Erza said. That was when I realized the whole guild was here. "What do you mean?" "Natsu why did you do that to yourself?" "Do what to myself?" I asked curiously. I look down and notice bandages all across my arms and legs. "Oh... That." "I'm fine guys really." "Natsu you were out all day." "Really last time it was for a week." "What do you mean last time?" Gray asks. "How long have you been doing this Natsu?" Gray asked seriously. "Um since..... I was a kid." I say sadly. All of them were surprised. "Natsu-nii I fixed your cuts but I found over 1,000 cuts. Why did you start cutting yourself??"😢 She asked letting herself cry lightly. "Sorry but I'm not gonna answer that." "Natsu you are going to answer that NOW. Erza said sternly but I heard that hint of worry. "F-fine just stop screaming it makes my head hurt." "It's because i-i thought a lot of negative thoughts." "Like?" Mira asked." "Here are some from this morning mistake,weak,stupid, and one more example freak." "Well I'm just gonna go bye guys." I get up but my legs feel weak and I fall into Gray's arms. "Well this is awkward." I stand back up using the wall to keep balance. "Well as much as I hate to admit it I might need help getting home and happy can't carry me all the way to where we live." "Gray you will be taking care of Natsu until he can walk again." Erza said. "Um he can just help me home he doesn't need to take care of me." "Hey I'm not that bad you know." "It's not that but I don't want to waste your time you got other things to do right." "Actually not really so looks like I'm taking care of you pyro." "Yeah yeah good luck with me ice princess." I say happily. "Also I'm gonna start fighting you when I'm healed ya know." *Giggles cutely* "since when did you giggle flamebrain?" Gray asked standing up from the chair he was sitting in. "Since always just never did it in front of people." "Seriously how many secrets do you have natsu." Lucy said jokingly. "Hmmm let's see 4 more I think." Lucy just gaped. "Hellooo earth to Lucy.""ooh spill natsu." Mira said excitingly. "Is one that you have a crush?" "Come on Mira there is no way he- "Maybe" I say shyly. Now gajeel was surprised. "How long?" "Umm a really long time." "Give me hints please." Mira pleaded. "Here's a big one to get most of the people in your head out it's a boy." "Mira looked happy. "So your gay?" "No I'm BI." Mira squealed. "Ok that is not helping my headache. "Sorry also is it g-Shush!!" I interrupted her from finishing that sentence knowing she'd say gray. "So it is yay one of my ships are sailing." "For the last time Mira no one understands what ships are." "Actually I do." "Really then what is ErLu?" "Come here" she walks over and I whisper in ear so not even dragon slayers can hear. "OMG you do." " Also I agree with that ship." "Really how would you react if it sailed?" I would probably fangirl with you it is an amazing ship also here is another one come here." She  walks over here and I whisper to not get dragonslayers to hear. "Mira your pink." *Giggles cutely* "what did you tell her Natsu?" Cana asked me. "I just told her my ship with her and someone." "Well we gonna go popsicle." "Yeah sure." "Also pyro are you good at cooking?" Happy wakes up with that question. "Are you kidding he might even be better than Mira!" "HAPPY I told you not to tell anyone!" "Oh yeah oops." I facepalm. "Really?" Levy asks intrigued. "Nope!" I say quickly. "Natsu can you make me something tomorrow or do you just cook fish?" "He makes all sorts of different things way more than fish each night we try something different unless I want fish." "Your not making this better happy." I stated. "Sorry" he apologized again. "I'm starting to wonder if you mean it." "Also I could make you something tommorow if you want Levy." Erza,Lucy and Wendy asked for some too." Me and gray left with the girls smiling and the boys curious.

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