Chapter 3. Sleep. Drink. Pizza.

Start from the beginning

"Ah come on. That's what you love about me!"

"As much as a root canal," Tori smirked. She never actually had a root canal, but she could imagine it being something that wasn't very fun, so the analogy worked.

"Ow, that stings girl. Anyways, you weren't answering our texts so had to give you a call. Tonight still going on or have your parents gone and grounded you for a year after you destroyed Principal Dubois's car?"

Tori's eyes widened, "What!? I didn't destroy her car! Who's been saying that?"


She huffed in response. Of course it would have been Rex to say something like that. Or Jade. Either of them could have spread a rumor like that. "I'm gonna kill that puppet one day, I swear."

Andre's laugh could be heard from the other end of the line, "I think Jade's got a few spots ahead of you with that. Maybe she'll leave you a piece after she's done with him. So, we still down for tonight?"

Tori had by this point made her way to her bathroom, distraught that her reflection in the mirror showed a girl who really had just woken up. "Yeah."

"Cool, so I'll be there in like, a minute or two."

Tori couldn't help but widen her eyes at how close Andre was, "Are you already driving here?"

"Like I said, nobody heard from you."

She smirked, "So if I didn't answer your call then you were going to make sure that I wasn't eaten by a bed monster or something?"

"Hey now, don't joke about those bed monsters. Those foam mattresses, just wait. Just you wait..."

"Of course Andre. Just let yourself in when you get here. If the door's locked, you know where the spare is. I'll see you in a few."

"Later girl!" The line went dead with that as Tori finally got a chance to see the supposed missed texts that she had been getting. Sure enough, on the front screen of her phone it read '6 New Messages'. As she tried to erase the 'I just woke up' look, she quickly skimmed through the messages.

What happened Tori? - Andre

Jade's assuming you're dead. Text me to disprove her please. - Beck

Are you alive Vega? – Jade

Rex is saying you destroyed Helens car. That true? – Robbie

Tori? You there? – Andre

HEY TORI! See you tonight! – Cat

Well, it was comforting to know that her friends cared, though Tori wasn't entirely sure of what to make out of Jade's text. Rather than dwelling on it too much, she simply smiled to herself. It was Jade after all, so that probably was the closest thing to concern that she was going to display. Rather than responding individually to each of them, she instead just sent out a single group text.

Don't worry. Everything's good. We're still on for tonight. – Tori

The sound of the front door opening drew her focus away from waiting for the rest of the gang's response. It may have been a moot point, depending on if Andre had alerted the group that she was good –which may have been a possibility. As she descended the stairs, she smiled at seeing Andre already making himself at home, going through the fridge for something to drink. "Help yourself," Tori called out sarcastically.

Andre turned around with a smile on his face as he pulled out two cans of soda, sliding one against the countertop towards her rather than tossing it. Knowing Tori's hand-eye coordination, it was probably for the best. "You know it's night and die sometimes when talking to you on the phone."

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