Chapter 7: The Northern Kingdom

Start from the beginning

Anga tried to look away at the next sight but couldn't. Below them, she saw a series of caves where female and male predators were trapped. These predators ranged from lions, panthers, wild dogs, hyenas, and jaguars.

Groups of the feral predators kept them under guard while another party moved into the various caves. The party consisted of leopards, komodo dragons, and porcupines.

Anga's eyes narrowed as she saw none other than Makucha and Ora leading this party.

"Come on, let's go." Makucha snarled as two of his men dragged away three hyena cubs from their parents.

"No! Please!"

"Quite!" Ora slammed the mother back with his tail. The other contained predators cried out in agony as any cubs were snatched up and taken by Makucha's party.

"No!" Ullu would have covered her eyes were she not flying.

Ono felt his heartbreak as he heard the cries of these cubs and saw their terrified faces.

The cubs were led to a dead tree where two more familiar faces awaited them.

"Hello, there little cubs. You don't need to be afraid anymore. Mama Binturong and aunt Chuluun are going to take care of you now." The white snow leopard jumped down from a tree branch and snarled from behind them.

"You're going to be perfect servants for your king!"

Ono nearly went pale as he looked at the feral predators and then back to the cubs.

He opened his beak as if to speak but nothing came out.

"I've seen enough!" Anga squawked.

"Me too, let's go!"

Unknown to the birds, a wolf watched them from the large rock formation and growled.

"Get them."

"Come on, let's-" Anga noticed something from below.

"Look out!" Ono and Ullu were blindsided by the piercing impact of a Vulture's beak. Ono's left-wing and Ullu's right-wing were hit hard and both lost control of their flight pattern.

"Anga linga!" Anga swooped in and beat back the vulture but another rammed into her side.

"Gaah!" Anga grunted in pain. The eagle furiously tried to fight them off but couldn't forget her friends either.

Using every bit of her strength, Anga fought the two vultures off and forced them away.

Ullu and Ono hit the ground in a controlled manner but still felt the harsh impact.

Ullu slowly opened her eyes as she saw a crevice before her. However, Ullu soon wished she hadn't opened her eyes. The owl squawked so loud she nearly felt her vocals break. Buried in the crevice were more bones. Lioness bones with cubs beside them.

"Ullu!" Ono squawked. He managed to walk over but couldn't fly with his now bent wing.

"Ullu are you ok!?" Ono frantically tried to help Ullu up but her own wing was also bent.

"I can't fly!" She panted in terror.

"Neither can I." The two stared at each other with shared lament.

"Ono, I'm afraid." The egret brought his beak in and tried to comfort her.

"It's going to be ok Ullu."

"Guys!" Anga squawked. She came down over her friends and grabbed them.

"I've got you!" Anga tried to lift them up but groaned as the vulture's strike sent immense pain into her side.

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