Bonus Chapter

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Author Note: This takes place a few months after chapter 6 but before chapter 7. Enjoy!

The view through the binoculars didn't provide any sign of their targets. For the last hour, Alex had watched the same empty alley, observed the same dumpster, broken crate, and industrious rat scavenging for pizza without anything more exciting happening. Sitting back on her haunches, the hand holding the high tech DEO device dropping into her lap, she let out a sigh. This was always the bit she hated the most about any mission, the waiting. The sitting around, waiting and not knowing when it would be time to suddenly spring into action. Still, at least she was out here with her agents instead of standing around waiting back in the DEO with Brainy jabbering in her ear and driving her insane. That was something.

After a moment, she raised a hand and touched her earpiece. "Brainy, any sign on the scanners or satellite images?"

"Negative, Director. I thought there might have been some cause for concern over on the corner of Southport Way and West 28th Street, but Agent Vasquez was most insistent that the feline creature was just an innocent bystander, so it would appear that it was a false alarm."

"Alright, well stay vigilante. Hopefully, it won't be much longer. In the meantime, all teams, comm check."

As a relay of voices came back to her, each agent once again routinely confirming their comms were working and that they were in position, she counted off each agent in her mind to make sure none were unaccounted for.

The last three times she'd done this, all had been well. But this time?

A hand raised to her ear again as soon as she realised one voice was missing. One member of the team hadn't checked in. "Supergirl? Supergirl? Does anybody have eyes on Supergirl?"

This time a relay of negative confirmations came back to her, and she stood up sharply, the binoculars in one hand, raised to her eyes again as she surveyed their surroundings, her other hand still to her ear. "Supergirl? Supergirl?! Come in Supergirl! "

"What? What? Did I miss it?" Supergirl's voice let Alex breathe out a sigh of relief, even as she lowered the binoculars again and turned to face her sister who was just touching down on the rooftop where Alex had stationed herself, a box of a dozen doughnuts in one hand and an already half eaten doughnut in the other.

"Seriously?! Now? You had to eat now?" Alex eyed the box incredulously.

"When I'm nervous I get hungry," Supergirl shrugged apologetically before taking another large bite of the doughnut in her hand.

"You-" Alex scowled as she stalked forward "-are always hungry! And since when has anything like this ever made you nervous?"

"Um, since they may or may not be transporting a truckload of stolen kryptonite," Supergirl pouted.

Alex found she couldn't really argue with that, so conceded to this particular argument. "Yeah well, little heads up next time before you go gallivanting off, perhaps?"

"I wasn't gallivanting," Supergirl pouted. Then she held out the box to Alex. "Doughnut?"

Alex huffed as she stalked past Supergirl so that she could go and check on the view from the other side of the rooftop. "You know I don't eat sugar in the middle of the day."

"Right," Supergirl nodded. Then shrugged. "Oh well, more for me. So how's it going? Still no sign of them yet?"

"Nope," Alex grumbled again as she stalked back to her original spot and crouched down once more, only to have to stand a moment later as her phone buzzed in the pouch of her belt, and she fished about for a moment before finally she was able to retrieve it and glance at the message.

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