Do Not Mess with Mew's Gulf

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"I'm a simple person, Phi," Gulf pouted. "But I don't like this at all." His eyebrows were closely knitted as he expressed his displeasure. He hated having to call Mew 'Phi', because they weren't really brothers, well, not anymore at least, but at the moment, he hated his current predicament more.

It was nighttime and they were lounging inside Mew's room. Mew was sitting up on his bed, leaning against the headrest while Gulf was laying his head on the young CEO's lap. Both of them were lazily scrolling on their phones in what was initially pure companionable silence. Well, until Gulf opened his mouth, and spewed his displeasure.

Last night, the hashtag #แคปชั่นเสี่ยวเกี้ยวCEO (Cheesy pick-up lines for the CEO) trended on Twitter. It was all in good fun, and both Mew and Gulf knew that it was their fans' way to express how much they miss Mew. They both enjoyed reading everyone's cheesy pick-up lines. In fact, some were downright hilarious that it made them laugh out loud, and involuntarily snort. However, things went quickly south went Mew's LINE also began pinging off the hook.

Several models, both males and females alike, and even fellow BL actors directly messaged Mew to send in their cheesy pick-up lines. Since they were direct messages, Mew had no choice but to reply nicely, much to Gulf's annoyance. While some backed off after Mew's polite but cold responses, there were some who were a bit more persistent.

"What do you want me to do then?" Mew diplomatically asked while absent-mindedly caressing Gulf's hair with one hand.

"You know what I want," Gulf continued to sulk, his heart-shaped lips in an adorable pout.

Mew sighed, put away his phone and turned his full attention to Gulf. "Well, I'm not a mind reader. Do you want me to tell them to fuck off? Block them on LINE? Or tell them we're together so they'll stop bothering me?" He asked.

"All of the above." Gulf continued to scroll lazily on his phone, refusing to look up directly at Mew.

In response, Mew chuckled. "If I told them all to fuck off, or block them on LINE, I'd lose contacts for possible work collaborations. You know how contacts are important in our line of work. And if I told them that we're together, that would mean giving away our privacy." Mew continued. The explanation was well thought-out and made a lot of sense, but it still didn't pacify Gulf.

"So? It's not like you can't build new contacts," Gulf responded. "And it's better for me if they know you're taken."

Mew sported a fond smile as he looked at Gulf. His chest bloomed with so much affection for the younger man, especially the knowledge this 'Nong' Gulf was being jealous.

Ping! Mew's LINE app had another new message, so he picked up his phone and opened the app. As he did, he angled his phone so that Gulf can also see what was on screen.

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together." Another cheesy line for Mew from a certain closeted BL actor.

In response, Mew only typed a crying-laughing emoji. Simple, inoffensive, neutral but cold and impersonal.

"Who does he think he is? It's not even that remotely sweet," Gulf murmured. He also mentally took note of the actor who sent the message, vowing to never let Mew be alone with that actor from now on.

"You know their messages mean nothing to me," Mew soothed. He put away his phone and caressed Gulf's face with his hands. He was about to lean forward to plant a kiss on the younger man's lips when his phone pinged again. Gulf rolled his eyes and pouted at the interruption.

"Are you French? Because Eiffel for you." Another cheesy line. Surprisingly, this time it was from Mew's former BL pair. Mew was about to type his reply when Gulf suddenly snatched the phone and stood up from the bed. He walked a meter away from Mew and typed away furiously.

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