Part 20

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Hailey: y/n....

Your pregnant!

She whisper screamed so that the boys couldn't here

You instantly felt tears gushing out of your eyes

You were happy



Hailey: hey hey heyyy don't cry what's wrong

y/n: nothing I'm just so shocked

She rubbed your back

Hailey: no matter what happens I'll always support you making sure your baby has the best life

She hugged you

You hugged her back

y/n: thank you for always being there for me

You smiled

Hailey: no problem

There was a moment of silence before someone knocked on the door


Mattia: y/n you okay

y/n: yh I'm fine

You hid the pregnancy test and hailey hid in the bathtub so mattia wouldn't see her

You slowly opened the door

Mattia: what were you up to in there

y/n: nothing.

Mattia: oh okay

Um I need to tell you something

y/n: what

Mattia: come here

He took you into a room and close the door

Hailey left the bathroom and went to the boys to watch a movie

Mattia: so I don't know how to say this but I-

Mattia: I'm moving to Italy for 8 months..... since my dad got a job offer, and my moms staying in Mexico with her side of the family whilst I live in Italy with my dad for a while

you felt tears building up in you eyes

y/n: ........ why can't you stay here

Mattia: my dad won't let me

He hugged you and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist

Mattia: don't cry mamas I promise you I'll be back and I'll always have you in my heart I'll never forget about you

y/n: really?

Mattia: ofc baby I love you

y/n: I love you to

He kissed your cheek

y/n: do the boys know

Mattia: yup I told them before

y/n: oh okay

You lean in to hug him again

You were gonna miss him

A lot.

Even though he'll be back

Although you didn't know how to feel.

Well because you were pregnant and he was the father of your child

What would you do with out him

You decided not to tell him because it would cause a bigger issue and stress him out

You were upset he wasn't going to be there for you.


Your child

Mattia: let's go watch the movie shall we

y/n: sure

Everyone was staring at you

Ale: did you tell her

Mattia: yup

He said leaning his head on yours

Hailey: wait tell her about what??

Mattia: I'm going to live in Italy for 8 months

Hailey was shocked

Because she knew you were pregnant and mattia was the father

She looked at you with eyes wide open

Mattia: what

Hailey: oh nothing

Mattia: mkay

y/n: Hailey can I talk to you

Hailey: yh sure

you went away from the boys

y/n: what shall I do.... I don't wanna tell him

Hailey: I think you should

y/n: I feel bad all this pressure is going to be put on him

Hailey: true

y/n: we can tell the boys once Mattias gone but they have to keep it a secret until Mattias back

Hailey: okay

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