Chapter 13 - "...Goodbye...?" -

Start from the beginning

"Bye Hiro!" They all waved to him as he went off to his lab that used to belong to Tadashi.

"Um... Honey...?" Kira asked softly as they made their way into the "Nerd Lab."

"Yes Kira?" Honey replied as everyone went off in their own areas while Kira followed the blonde, who was grabbing a couple of tools

"U-Um... Well, I was wondering..." Her cheeks tinted pink, "Do you know what it's like to have a crush?"

As soon as Kira had said that, Honey immediately dropped the tool she picked up, and complained about it for a second before looking over at Kira.

"A crush?! Oooh-" immediately, Kira slapped her hand over the blonde's mouth.

"Honey, shush!" She hissed, "Please, I'd just like to know what it feels like because I... May have one..."

"Well," Honey removed the girl's hand from her mouth, "Being in love-"

"I said CRUSH."

"Yes, but I might as well explain love to you so you know if it's just a crush or not. Love is... Well, thinking about a certain person a lot, wanting to be with them, wanting them to be happy, getting a bit nervous and flustered around them, etc. That's pretty much what love is."

"Well shit..."

"Language, Kira."

"Sorry but..." Her blush darkened from a pink to a red, "I think I may be in love... Yes I'm 14 and don't really understand it but everything you just said, I'm feeling for someone... And it's been happening for a while now..."

"One, I know who you're talking about. Two, tell him."

"No way. I doubt he feels the same anyways. Thanks for the help tho-"

"GUYS!!" Hiro ran into the lab excitedly, holding something in his hand, "LOOK! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!"

Everyone walked over to him.

"What? What did you find?" Fred asked.

"This!" Hiro held out the familiar green healthcare microchip Tadashi had made for Baymax.

"Baymax must've taken it out so I could rebuild him!"

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kira asked, smiling at him, "Go get started!"


He ran back to his lab to start building Baymax.


With a smile on her face, a soda in one hand and a pack of gummy bears in the other, she knocked on the door of Hiro's lab.

"Oh Mr. Hamaaadaaa~" she sang, laughing, "You in there?"

"Mmhmm..." She heard him mumble, and she walked right on in.

Hiro was standing in front of a finished Baymax, but she could tell that he hadn't been activated just yet. Hiro's hair was a bit messier than normal.

"You look like total crap," She commented, holding out the sofa to him, "Here, you look like you need the caffeine."

"Thanks," he yawned, opening the can and drinking some of it to wake himself up.

"And these," she held up the bag of gummy bears, and his face instantly brightened up, "Are for later, since its unhealthy to drink soda, and eat candy this early in the morning."

"Pleeeeeease?" He asked, suddenly awake and have her puppy-dog eyes.


She set them down on his desk and stared back at Baymax.

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