breakfast comes knocking

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I was exercising my tail off on the treadmill when I heard my doorbell ringing and my friend yelling. "Hey! It's ivy! Are you home? Ivy said as she called for me from outside. "I'm coming! Give me a minute!" I said as I turned off the treadmill and wipe the sweat off then looked in the mirror and saw a very 'plumped' girl. Sigh. Is any of this making a dent into my fat ass? Sighing I rush toward the door so not to think about 'it' and opened the door. "Hi ivy!" I said as I looked down at ivy. "Heyoo! How are you. And why are you all sweaty?" Ivy said as she looked up and noticed my sweat. "I was in my exercise room. Have you not notice how fat I am?" I said annoyed by her question. But instead of apologizing she poked my belly for fun. "What fat? You know I'm a sucker for cute chubby bellies." Ivy said as she continued poking my belly with a smile. "Well be careful or you'll become part of this "chubby'' belly. So why are u here? Other than make fun of me" I said annoyed and pouting. "I'm not making fun of you hun. I'm here to hangout remember?" Ivy said as she reminded me. "Oh yea! Sorry I been working off this fat. . . or trying at least. It's not going well and I don't know why." I said as I place my hand on my pudgy belly and frown. "You should keep it. I like it a lot haha and you just gotta watch what your eating too hun that's a big part as well." Ivy said trying to cheer me up but was going about it wrong. "Well i been cutting down on it. Here look inside my kitchen." I said show her what's in my kitchen which there was barely anything to eat other than yogurt and other diet food stuff. "Oh.. well I guess you got the food part down then" ivy said worrying about me and the lack of food in my pantry. "Hehe. Yeah ~growl~. . . hehe you didn't hear that. Okay?" I said as my belly embarrass me in front of ivy ~growl~ again! Really?! "You getting hungry huh? I can make you something to eat if you want" Ivy said being nice to me which I smiled at her. "But i already ate the required amount of food for today. I'll be fine" I said trying to stay on my diet. "Alright wellll what would you like to do then?" Ivy asked nervously looking around my home. "Whatever u want to do" I said nonchalance ~growl~ or at least tried to. "Are you sure your not hungry hun. We can watch a movie and I'll get some snacks" Ivy said knowing she's wanting to help cause she concerned about me. "We can watch movies but hold off on the snack for me. You can have the snacks of course. I don't mind." I said still fighting with my belly. But it was hard with ivy and her. . . plumped body. I shake the thoughts out of my head cause if I didn't stop I don't know what'll happen to my friend. "Sounds good" ivy said as she plop down on my couch and throw on netflix. "anything you wanna watch?" She asked me luckily she didn't catch me staring at her strangely. "Anything that won't make me think about food" I said mumbling while not looking towards her so I wouldn't think about her. "Okay." She said as she flip through Netflix for a bit before throwing on some dumb show. "So how have you been recently?" She asked trying to get a conversation started and get me mind off of food I guess. "Sigh. Okay I guess. I been hearing about the missing people report on the news though. It sounds kind close to here. I'm a lil worried." I said worried that we may be next. "Yea I've been hearing about it too. That's kinda why I wanted to come over here. I was home alone cause my parents went out of town on a business trip so I was gonna see if I could stay with you?" Ivy said shyly with a little blush on her cheeks which made her look really cute. "Sure! I'd love to have you here. ~growl~ shut up!" I said as I yell at my rude belly. Is food all you think about? You even go so far as to want her for yourself wants! Just so you can be satisfied! Not happening! While arguing with the thoughts in my head ivy started to talk to me. "Haha it's okay. It must suck not being able to eat when you get hungry like that" ivy said not realizing how hard it is to resist the thought of eating her right now. Hmm. . . "Yea. And something else about the missing people report. It started a few days after I started my diet program. Isn't that a bit weird?" I said as I stare at her. Ivy starts to laugh a little nervously. "yea that is a little strange but just a coincidence right?" Ivy said sounding scared. "Hmm." I pretending to be thinking. "Is everything okay?" Ivy said as she starts to be creeped out. "You know. It makes sense. You know what I mean?" I said still pretending think which made her more scared. "Are you implying your the one making them disappear?" Ivy said as she slide away a little bit. "Maybe I am." I said as I edge closer towards ivy so to keep her in arms reach and to scare her a bit.
"But how... a-and why?" Ivy said sounding scared as she slide to the until her back hit arm of the couch. Trap between the arm of the couch and me. This is so much fun. She total bought it. Hehe. "Ahh. Are u ssscared? Sscared of being another layer of fat like the others?" I said as I pat my huge hips to emphasize my point
even though I didn't but I am enjoying scaring her. "Wa..wait did you eat them??" Ivy asked as she look down at my belly. "and you digested them?!" She said looking like she terrified. As I look down on her I try to fight the urge to laugh, but it was hard not to though. "Mmm yesss...! You will add nicely to my belly! If you weren't such a silly girl. But I gotta admit that I been getting fatter each morning. I don't know why though." I said as I realize to be true that I do wake up and seem to gain more weight though. The thought didn't last long as ivy slap my shoulder. "Oh my god you had me so worried seriously! Ivy said as she slap my shoulder and causing me to forget what I was thinking about. "Don't play with me like that!" Ivy said angry from my prank. "Hehe. I couldn't resist. Especially after you made fun of me. But seriously though. Don't I seem a lil fatter the last time you saw me?" I asked concerned a bit by it. "I wasn't making fun of youuuu I promiseee and no hun you look great!" Ivy said comforting me. If only these thoughts of eating her would stop. "But amber even if you were the culprit. . . I wouldn't blame you and I wouldn't mind if it was" ivy said shyly blush while looking away. "You sure? I don't want to wake up and burp up your panties like those characters in those comics." Amber said trying to joke but also change the subject. "Wait what?" Ivy said as she was caught off guard by what I said. "You haven't seen those vore comics? There entertaining in a weird way." Amber said partially enthusiastic about it. "Ohhh I know what ya mean haha" ivy said feeling relieved to know she not the only one that likes vore comics. "But to be honest. . ." Amber nervously tried to speak but ivy cut her off. "I mean I like them." Ivy said unaware that she cut Amber mid sentence. "That's good. . .so umm. . ." amber said still nervous about asking her, scared of how she would react. "Yes?" Ivy asked as she tilt her head to the side, curious about what amber going to ask. "Do I wannnaa?" Ivy said as she poke at you teasingly. Trying to get whatever it is out of me. "Reenact one of them" amber asked turning a brighter red than her normal skin tone. Embarrassed and a little nervous about how she would take it. "You want to eat me? Hmm. I mean. I've never done it before but I guess we can try it." Ivy said blushing after asking her. "I know I know. I'm a terri... Wait what? Are you serious?!" Amber said shock to hear ivy say she want to try it. "Yea as long as I get to come back out later I'm not sure I'm okay with being digested haha" ivy said as she giggle nervously avoiding eye contact. "unless you want me to be" she said as her face blush a little. "It's up to you but yea I'm down to try it with you." Ivy said nervously fedgiting with her fingers avoiding my eyes. "What if I want to. . . digest you? Would you. . . hate me?" I asked as I look away nervously. Ashamed of myself for asking. Ivy grab my hands. "Hey if you want to, I'm okay with that. I'm your friend and I like to help my friends. So if that's what you want let's do it." Ivy said with loving eyes staring straight at mine. Leaving me shocked for a few moments. "You mean it?! You sure you want to be apart of. . . this? I said as I grab my flabby belly and jiggle it. Ashamed of my chubby belly. "Of course. I love it so much. To be able to add to it would be a dream!!" Ivy said eager to be in your stomach and churned up into stomach fat. I hug her with tears coming out. "Ty! And. . . and after this is done I'll quit my diet!" I said so happy that my friend is willing to give herself to me as food. Ivy hug me back. "No need to thank me honey it's kind of a wish I've had for a long time" ivy said excited that her dream is coming true. "Really? It's my wish to eat you and keep you close. I didn't know I had this desire to eat you." I said as I look down and hold my chubby belly and blush. "Well then let's make this wish come true. Ivy said as she lean down and kiss my stomach. "Let's get me in there and make me a part of you!" Ivy said while looking up at me on the couch, her head still near my stomach that I hug her close to my growling belly as it greets her eagerly awaiting my dear friend arrival to it's soft warm dept. To gurgle and churn her up. To make us one. "Hehe it sounds like your stomach really eager to have me! Let's get me in there!" Ivy said eager to go into my stomach as well while still hugging it like it's a big puppy. I start sniffling as I think about what I would lose after my stomach have it's way with her. Okay. . . you sure you want to do this?" I said wanting to give her a chance to change her mind. "I'm very sure honey. Let make me part of that beautiful body." Ivy said unaware of the turmoil I'm going through in my head and my heart right now. "But after this though we can't. . . we can't" I said as I burst into tears. Knowing what I would lose afterwards. "Hey hey hey it's okay! I'll always be with youuu remember?" Ivy said as she lift my chin up and takes my hands into her, though I'm still sniffling. "Y-yea." I said with a shaky voice as I look back down at my stomach as it gently growled as if to insure me that it's okay. "See even your stomach knows it'll be okay. And I'll be right there anytime you need me." Ivy said while agreeing with my stomach. Which I thought was weird but cute. How could I say no to her? I couldn't of course. But I still couldn't stop sniffling still. "Okay. You two are right. You'll be right here. . . in my belly until it churn you up into my fat. Forever apart of me. As close as bff can be." I said embarrassed by how corny I just sounded but ivy doesn't seem to care. "Exactly love. Always right here." Ivy said as she playfully squish my stomach and place a few kisses on it. Which it response by growling happily from ivy's kisses. Eager to have her. Greedy lil shit. "You ready then?" Ivy asked me with excitement in her eyes. Knowing what this means for the both of us. While I just simply nodded my head. "Then open up" ivy said as she slide her shirt and pants off only wearing a bra and a panties. "Is this okays to make me slide down easier? Ivy asked but all I could do was stare at her and think about how she'll taste and how she'll feel inside my stomach. "Mhmm." I said as I sniffling a lil bit. "But if u change your mind I won't blame you." I said while a part of me still have second thoughts but my stomach growls impatiently. "Hush you!" I said scoldeding it. Annoyed by it's greed. "I won't hun I really want thisss" ivy said as she rubs my stomach lovingly. Which I is when I realize she really wanted this. "Okay then thank you for being my friend and for the meal." I said as i open my mouth and waited for her to slip in. "Thank you for letting me be your snack. ~giggles~" ivy said as she slide her hands into my warm wet awaiting mouth and down my throat. "Mmm your so warm inside I can't wait to be all the way in." ivy said as she slips her head in after her hands barely out of your mouth. "Mhmm." I said as I lower my mouth down over head shoving her deep and over her big boobs and then your voluptuous butt. Closing my mouth gently over her thighs I lift her up and tilt my head back to get her thighs in next so to have her slide all the way down and into my belly who's all to eager and happy to give a warm wet welcome. Ivy curled up tightly as she slides into my belly. It's already filled with some stomach acids ready to make her into fat for my body. "It's so much better in here than I could've imagined!" Ivy said over joyed to be in my stomach as she squirm around to get comfy. "R-really? Your sure your okay in there?" I asked worried my belly acid is burning her. "Yes amber I'm very happy in here. I'm glad we can finally do this. I've dreamed about this for a long time" ivy said as she finally slide down and gets comfy ready to be digested. My belly grumbled and sloshed. Happy with it's occupant. "It seem your not the only one" I said rubbing my belly as it grumbled happily. "But i guess i would be lying if I say I didn't dream of having you where you are now." I said as I continue to rub my belly lovingly. "I'm so glad we get to do this. I can't wait!" Ivy said as she wiggle excitedly in my belly. "Hehe. Me too." I said as i rub my tummy lovingly as it carries my best friend inside who'll soon be apart of me as fat. Where I don't know and I don't care. As long as she with me and happy with her journey to becoming pudge on my belly. In fact it starts working on ivy, eager to churn her into the thing she wanted. Her body starts to get a little mushy from my stomach massaging her with my tummy acids. "It's happeninnggg I'm so ready, it feels so good!" Ivy said as she wiggled even more with excitement for what's to come. My tummy starts to gurgle and churn her up with joy. "Uh huh. I can tell." I said as I feel what's happening inside my belly that I was caressing. "But umm. Do u want my tummy to slow down a bit? Make the experience last longer?" I asked want her to spend more time with her before my tummy has it way with her. "If you can yes. I'm enjoying this so much I want to make it last as long as I can" ivy said as she wiggle a little bit trying to find a comfy position in my belly. As she was getting comfy my tummy growled in agreement and slowed it down to a gently carres against it's guest body. "Thank you tummy" I said as I caress it and heard a please ~gurgle~ from it. "Thank you tummyyy." Ivy said very pleased to stay with us a little longer all curled up and comfortable in my belly enjoying the slowed digestion on herself. I made a "Humph!!" sound as I try to get up with difficulty as I am walking for two for right now. "whoo! So heavy." I said as I stand up with my belly bulging out thanks to ivy being in there. "Hehe are you okay out there darling?" Ivy asked while giggling at my expense. "I'm okay. It's just a lil difficult carrying the weight of two with you in there." I said as i rub the top of my tummy. "Not to mention getting up and down too, is a bit of a chore." I added feeling exhausted from standing up. "Yea I guess that would be pretty hard to do huh. Haha I'm sorry. I'll be out of here eventually though." Ivy said with a awkward laugh in my belly. "It's no problem sweety and speaking of that. I like to tell you before you go." I said wanting to confess to her before it's to late. My tummy growls even more happily as it knows how I feel about ivy and couldn't wait any longer to make her a permanent addition to my layer of fat. "Like to tell me what honey?" Ivy asked curious about what I want to tell her. "That I love you and you were and always be the tastest meal I every had. I said blushing a bit while my tummy starts to go a tiny bit fast with digesting her. Eager to churn her up and turn her into stew inside it. "Aww I love you too girly I always have." Ivy said as she caress the inside walls of my belly as my belly starts to speed back up filling up with more acids and massaging her down. It's eagerness getting the better of it. "I'm ready to be all yours forever babe" ivy said as I feel her caress me from inside my belly which I know she means it. Even though I'm not ready for her to go just yet, though my belly seem to ignore my feelings. "Would you be mad if I want you to stay a lil longer? And I'm not happy with my tummy for getting a head of itself. I said while my tummy continue to increase it's speed of digesting her. All to happy to fulfill ivy's wish. "I won't be mad darling I'm happy to stay as long as you want me too" ivy said even though she won't get the chance to stay even for a minute for sadly my tummy had other plan after I got to my bed and layed down as it goes faster with digesting ivy with it's greedy desire to churn and consume it's guest. Gurgling and groaning noise soon starts in intensity as my belly starts to digest ivy. Her body started getting softer and smaller with every groan and growl from my belly. Slowly breaking her down into a little ball ready to be absorbed into my body embracing her into my body fatty layers. "Your so mean tummy! Taking her away without giving us enough time together. But I guess that's okay. I can feel her. Feel her becoming apart of me. You turning her into belly fat." I said as I hug what's left of ivy lovingly. Caressing my belly as it takes you then kiss it where your head was. "I love you. I hope you heard that my tasty lover." I said a little sad that she gone but she she got what she wanted and so did I. I couldn't help wanting a memento of her but as i was hugging my tummy lovingly. Feeling ivy become fat, my tummy made a loud groan then a feel a burp coming but not just a burp something else. "Uuuurrrrpppp!" with the force of the burp came ivy's panties flying and splating onto my bed before me. Which i picked it up and hold it close with it still having ivy scent on them. "Thank you for the gift tummy. I'll keep it forever!" I said as I held it close to my cheek.

The end?

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