You brushed off Alfred's hands and promptly put your hands in the back pockets of your jeans, excited to finally getting to the best part of the party, the only reason why you and Lucretia was here:

The drugs.

"You got it?" you hopefully looked at Lucretia, who in response to your question pulled out two small plastic bags. She nodded and gave you a pearly smile, a nice contrast to her dark complexion. Her natural curly hair bobbed up and down as she started jumping up and down, just as excited as you to get the night going. In a swift motion she handed you a bag as you squealed in joy.

Alfred removed his arm from your shoulder, and started pushing you towards the back of the living room, carefully avoiding empty cans and bottles littering the ground. The room was densely packed, Lucretia and Freda had to latch themselves onto Alfred to follow your little group and not get lost.

As you tried to take another step, a girl bedazzled in jewellery and too short shorts came panting out form the crowd. Her hair was styled prettily, all of it thrown to one side, but heavily messed after partying and dancing for a while. You winced as you imagined her trying to brush out the knots in her hair, pulling at her scalp as she used what looked to be fairly petite muscles.

Ouch, that one was going to hurt, you thought as you looked towards the birds nest in the back of her hair.

"Hey, good looking," she purred towards Alfred, placing a hand on his bicep.

Her speech was extremely slurred, and her legs gave in a few times as she tried to stabilize against the closest person next to her, who unfortunately happened to be a dancing junior. The girl stumbled and her jewellery clinked and glittered in the dim light, catching your gaze at once. Alfred who was the point of affection for the girl, shrugged and continued to push your little group, his eyes locked onto the small coffee table and seats.

The girl pushed herself further out of the crowd, her stumbling legs determined to follow Alfred. That was some willpower if you had ever seen it, the dedication was strong as she pushed back her drunk tremors and lack of reason, intentionally following Alfred. You let out a snicker. The poor girl was so desperate to get laid at a frat party, you felt a little bad in not helping her.

But she was keeping you from your little dose of escape, stuffed into your fist for safekeeping so no one would get grabby and snatch it.

Another little push from Alfred and you were again headed for the coffe table.

Lucretia was the one to first head to the table and swipe her arm across, successfully shoving off anything that was on the table. The stoners already seated on the couch let out small "woop"s of glee as they spotted the drughead quartet as you were known, excitedly squashing together and making space on the couch.

Alfred marched up, confidently placing his fist down onto the sticky table, and looking at you before quickly removing his shirt. He threw the piece of clothing away before taking a big chug of one of the bottles laying on the floor.

Of course he would take off his clothes, you smirked, enjoying the view of your best friend's chiseled chest, as he started moving around and handing what looked like pieces of a cut up straw.

"Ok, we've got a little bit for everyone," Alfred said, pushing his chest out to attract as many people as possible. It worked; girls were attracted to him like moths to a lightbulb, and the groups of girls standing behind the couch was slowly growing. Alfred was always one for theatrics, you mumbled as you face palmed. You didn't have nearly enough product to satisfy all the people he was attracting.

Alfred slowly moved around the table that Lucretia was slowly setting up and flexed his pecs, earning laughs from around the room. The music was still loud, booming through the room. You could almost feel the vibrating air on your arms through your hoodie, and if that wasn't saying how turned up the party was, you didn't know what description would do it justice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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