"How do we not know that you will use the amulet for your self?" He taunted while stalking towards her. Standing up she winced because of the pain soaring through her body "how do we know you won't kill us just like he did?"

His face flashed across her mind as she remembered his features, the same troll that was in her nightmare. Panting she finally managed to look up towards draal who had begun charging at her in a panic she disapeared into thin air, and went back home.

Draal crashed into the wall a burst of dust followed and no one knew what had happened.

They all looked at it in horror, "Elizabeth! No!" Toby shouted out as tears threatened to fall.

Jim on the other hand was speechless as he stood up and slowly walked towards it hoping that she would walk out. His mind raced at the thought of her being dead because of him, he promised she wouldn't die because of him.

A roar came within the fog and draal thrashed out "where did she go!?!"

Jim breathed out in relief as he fell to his knees but draal took the chance to tower over him "if you know what's best for the both of you tell her to give up her mantle and you give up yours." He looked down at jim in disgust as jim didn't look back up "stay down and live worm!"


Jim lead him and toby out of trollmarket but arrrgh and Blinky followed close behind "he might be right, what the heck was I thinking!?" He paused in anger and disappointment from himself "an amulet can't choose anyone! It's an amulet!"


Blinky tried to comfort the boy "I understand you're upset master jim, but you and lady elizabeth had not a moments training! There's no shame in what just transpired"

Jim stopped walking up the stairs as the words that Blinky had said only triggered him more "Elizabeth almost died because of me! I promised-" Jim stopped himself from speaking to calm down "you were definitely not paying attention back there! Shame was the only thing that transpired! Shame and realization"

Jim threw the amulet towards Blinky "I don't care whether or not draal should be the trollhunter. I just know that I'm not"

Blinky sighed and picked up the amulet and looked up towards jim "master jim, despite whatever doubts you may have about the amulets choice, it is now bonded to you" as he let go of the amulet it flew towards jim "it is a mantle you cannot refuse."

Jim was shocked at the amulets action but nonetheless scoffed "watch me." He said before walking away and throwing the amulet away again.


While Jim was riding his bike back home he stopped by Elizabeth's home, debating on whether or not he should check on her, but he knew that she might need some space after what happened today.

Sighing he continued on home and went up to his room as soon as he got in.

Elizabeth on the other hand was curled up in bed with her amulet as far away as possible from her "I'm such a coward..." she told herself.

"I'm weak, useless, what can someone like me do with a mantle like this? Even this stupid amulet thought that I as better off away from that dumb fight!"  She cried quietly as she hid her face inside of her Pillow.

A voice echoed in her room "why so sad child?"

This voice was unfamiliar to her so she immediately jumped out of her bed and called for her amulet. After finally getting a good look she noticed that it was an old woman, surprisingly she was a human.

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