"I want an answer" I rolled my eyes and heard Andrea and Cesar walk out his room.

"Hey, mi amor I bought tacos" she smiled excitedly and sat down. I gave her her tacos and she started eating. I handed Cesar his tacos and he went back to his room. Oscar still standing in front of me waiting

"Look Oscar I don't know what he wanted. Ok? Please leave me alone" I grabbed my tacos and went to the room.

"You know what he wanted y/n! Your just tryna cover-up you cheating!" He yelled before I closed the door. I turned back at him mad.

"Believe that all you want Oscar! Because at the end of the day I know the truth! The fact that you actually think id cheat on you! Pathetic" I slammed the door and sat down eating my tacos. Tears formed in my eyes as I finished my last taco. I sighed and stared into space. My phone went off causing me to snap back into reality. I wiped my tears away and answered my phone.

"Hey Julianna. What's up?" She sighed letting me know she knew something was wrong with me

"What happened?" I laughed trying to hold back the tears that were forming.

"Why did you call?" I asked curiously

"Just wanted to check up on you to see how your feeling" I smiled sniffling

"I'm feeling good. Not sick anymore yay" I laughed trying to get away from the other topic

"How's the gang?" She sighed

"Girls are fighting. They won't talk to each other anymore" I sighed feeling more tears fall

"I gotta go" I said quietly hoping she'd let me hang up

"Nah what's wrong?" I let out a quiet sob knowing she probably heard it

"Y/n talk to me" I sighed catching my breath

"Oscar thinks I'm cheating on him with Nathan because he stopped me today and asked what I was doing tonight" she groaned annoyed

"That boy just doesn't give up huh? I already told him your off-limits" I laughed shaking my head

"Yeah I did too but he doesn't stop. But it hurts to know Oscar thinks im cheating on him. I would never do that. I have a kid with him why would I wanna ruin what we have" I sighed laying down

"Yeah I know how you feel but baby sometimes they are just scared of losing you. He's scared that someone is going to take his spot in yours and Andrea's life. He doesn't want to lose you" I stayed quiet not knowing what to say

"He doesn't want another man in your life. He doesn't want another man to love you the same way he did. Or for you to love another man more than you love him. He's insecure because he knows someone is better than him but yet you still chose him. You still love him the same way you loved him yesterday and your gonna love him more tomorrow. He needs you in his life and you need him. Don't sweat this too much baby ok?" I sighed wiping my tears

"Yeah ok" I said my voice cracking. A knock soon coming from the door making me sigh.

"I gotta go Julianna thanks"

"Mhm" she hummed and I hung up. Oscar walked in and I just sat there not saying anything. He sighed and sat next to me. I laid down looking the opposite way from him and cried silently.

"Mi Amor?" I didn't answer hoping he thought I was asleep.

"Y/n I know you can hear me" I sobbed silently

"Im sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was scared" he touched me making me flinch

"Okay" he sighed getting up and walking out. He turned around and looked at me

"I love you y/n. More than anything. I just don't wanna lose you. But ill leave you alone" he closed the door making me cry more.

"Fuck man!" I yelled-whispered. I sat up straight holding the blanket tightly.

"Why are you so fucking stubborn?!" I hit my head disappointed in myself. I cried more and more. My breathing became fast and I soon couldn't breathe.

"Breath y/n, breath!" I tried to calm myself down but nothing worked. I got up and walked around the room trying to catch my breath. I heard the door open and I saw Oscar standing there looking at me. I couldn't control my breathing and it felt like I was gonna pass out.

"Y/n?" Oscar looked at me concerned. I was breathing faster by the second. I stopped walking and held my head. My eyes closed and I felt my body fall.


Spooky's Girl? (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now