1|☁️Again... Really?☁️|

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2 years ago... (14)


It was rather a cold and windy day, considering it was the middle of fall season, altho it didn't stop Mitsuba from standing in the middle of the school garden and taking picture of anything and everything that surrounds him. It didn't really bother him even if it is cold or not, he just wanted some time with himself.

Little did he know someone was watching him from the hill of the confession tree, that is none other than his "best friend", Kou is it creepy of him to just admire his best friend from afar? Yes, is it stalking? Probably, is it weird that for some reason that their senpai's is also joining? Definitely. Is there a reason for this? Yes.

You see, Kou has a big fat crush on his best friend and the feeling is mutual for Mitsuba. Sadly these two are oblivious about eachother, therefore Yashiro and Amane are helping Kou to make a move.

"So, here's what you're gonna do Kou," exclaim Yashiro, she was excited to say the least, while Amane is just being, well, himself. "You will approach Mitsuba with this flowers and confess your feelings!" Whisper shout Yashiro, with excitement. "Okay! Wish me luck guys."

Kou with nervousness, walked towards Mitsuba. But him being the dumb lame ass traffic earring he is, tripped and fell face first into the dirt and leaves in front of Mitsuba. The pink haired boy yelped and jumped in surpried by the sound and noticed that Kou was in front of him. It was quiet for a moment, until Mitsuba burst into laughter and lay back on the pile of leaves behind him.

While Mitsuba is in his giggling fit, Kou was embarressed and his face could rival the colour of a tomato, in the back ground Amane couldn't help but burst into laughter while Yashiro just facepalmed and tried to silence the boy beside her.

After his giggling fit Mitsuba asked, "what the heck are you doing you lame ass traffic earring?" Kou just stayed quiet, didn't know what to say and responded with, "shut up Mitsuba," it was a little muffled since he still didn't move, too embarressed. Mitsuba just shake his head and smiled fondly at his friend as he helped Kou up to sit down beside him and cleaned his face from dirt and a single leaf on his blonde hair. Kou couldn't help but blushed a little by the gesture, it's not every day you see Mitsuba like this.

As Mitsuba was about done with the mess of his friend, he noticed the flowers that's a little crushed. "What's with the flowers?" Mitsuba ask with a little bit of pink on his cheeks, before Kou could answer, Mitsuba cut him off with a gasp and, "YOU WERE GOING TO SEDUCE ME AND DRAG ME INTO YOUR HOUSE WON'T YOU?! YOU PERVERT!" exclaimed Mitsuba. "No im not Mitsuba! My gosh im not a pervert and can you please let me talk?!" Defended Kou. "Yeah sure..... pervert."

Kou sighed and thought 'it's now or never,' but no word came out of his mouth and his face is turning red. Mitsuba noticed this and his face is turning red as well and decided he will just do it and he did it, he kissed Kou right on the lips. Kou was shocked and glad that the feeling is mutual and started to kiss back and wrapped his arms around Mitsuba's waist, resulting in Mitsuba to wrapped his arms around Kou's neck and sitting on his lap, the kiss lasted for a minute and Kou can't help but feel how soft Mitsuba's lips is and how much it tasted like pudding.

Once they parted, Mitsuba rest his forehead on Kou's and they stare at eachothers eyes, Kou smiled softly as he said, "i love you Mitsuba, will you be my boyfriend?" Mitsuba smiled, kissed his nose and responded with a quiet yes, Kou smiled brightly and they leaned for a second kiss, until they were disturbed.

A squeal was heard by the confession tree and they turned their heads to see Yashiro squealing and Amane just said "FINALLY!" with a big smile. The boys were red in the face, Kou completely forgot about Yashiro and Amane, Mitsuba stand up from Kou's lap and screamed "WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK YOU PERVERTS!" and started to chase them with a red face, Kou just laugh and watch as his now boyfriend was screaming and chasing around their friends.

Present... (16)


As i was remembering what happend two years ago unfold and can't help but smile the day Kou has ask me to become his boyfriend, i remember the day clearly. I was sitting at the same spot i was sitting right now and taking some pictures, i sigh softly wondering what to give Kou for our two year anniversary.

While i was deep in thought, i heard something and i saw my boyfriend running to my direction, i smiled and waved. As he was getting closer he tripped and fell face first just like two years ago and i can't help but burst into giggles. Two years and he's still the same, i hear him groan and helped him up while still giggling i ask, "really... again?" And Kou started to chuckle, remembering what happend two years ago. "What can i say, can't help falling in love with you pudding." He said with a soft smile and a chuckle. I blushed and lean my forehead on his and said in a whisper, "i love you too, you goofball."

956 words
Thank you for reading 😆😆😆
And im sorry if theres any mistake in it <3

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