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Haileys POV:
The ride back to my place I was filled with this warmth. Something I haven't felt in a while, I missed it. Jays truck was flooded with the sweet sweet smell of hot, fresh pizza. Overwhelmed I try to open the box, but Jays hand slams ontop of mine.

"Hey!" I cry, "how dare you prevent me from melting into the aroma of my one true love."

"Haha, your one true love?" Jay mimics.

"Yes," I reply. He glances over at me, our eyes lock for a moment. Large grins cover our faces.

He breaks to eye contact to focus back on the road. The rest of the drive we sat in a comfortable silence. I watch the passing lights outside of the truck, perfectly content. Driving through the streets of Chicago, everything feels the same, yet different.

General POV:
The next morning Jay roles into the district, excited knowing that Hailey would start work today. It was a different feeling, but a good one. A few minutes later Hailey walks in, with a little pep in her step. Equally excited to be back, with the same feeling as Jay.

Everyone greets Hailey with open arms, literally. All inquiring about her stay in New York. The team looks good, and happy Hailey's home. Burgess and Ruzek seem back together. Wonder how long that will last?

Voight walks out of his office with his normal, serious expression. "Halstead, Upton. My office, now," he says. Then steps back into his office and sits down.

The partners shoot a glance at one another, nervous of what the coming conversation might entail. With slight hesitation they walk in and close the door.

"Take a seat," Voight offers, gesturing to the chairs. They sit. A moment of silence passes, but the nervous Jay works up the courage to break it.

"What's up," Jay asks as his heart rate slightly increases.

Voight pauses before answering, "I'm  unsure of your stability as partners." Jay looks offended and prepared to bark back, but before he could say anything Voight continues. "So I'm sending you two to Dr. Navon for an evaluation."

Now Jay's furious, he's able to contain it, mostly. His breath increases. "What do you mean 'evaluation', we're good. Great actually," he says through his teeth, trying not to yell. His eyes focused on Voight.

"Yes, evaluation. You two have been apart for almost two months. Things can change." Voight hasn't budged.

Hailey can tell he won't change his mind, this is happening. She looks over at Jay and his huffs, ready to have a shout fest with Voight. "Okay. We'll go. We'll go and pass with flying colors," she looks over at Jay, giving him a reassuring smile. Then back at Voight, making sure he understands exactly what she's saying.

Voight nods, "alright. Get moving. Your appointment's in 30 minutes."


"Detectives, thank you for joining me," greets Dr. Navon.

Jay and Hailey sit uncomfortably in the leather chairs facing the doctor. Both sigh in disbelief for having to do this.

"It's quite obvious that neither of you want to be here," Dr. Navon says, trying to break the ice. "From what I've read on your previous cases, you two work very well together. Some hiccups, but overall good." The doctor continues, "nonetheless, we still have to do this. Now, let's begin."

Dr. Navon POV:
I eventually wore them down and got the two talking. Their walls are tall and strong, but I can see how they let their guards down around each other. There is a bond, a strong one. Maybe stronger since Haileys return. As far as I can tell they have an almost perfect partnership. Fascinating. Intriguing. There's truly no need for the evaluation to continue, shame. I would love work with them, study their relationship further. Hell, I don't have the time or the patience. "Okay, everything seems in order. To my understanding, your partnership is theoretically perfect. Don't tell Voight I said that." I chuckle then sign their clearance form.

"Of course not. So we pass with flying colors?" Mocks Jay, as he bumps shoulders with Hailey. The two burst with laughter.

As they stand up I remember something I wanted to talk with Hailey about. "Hailey, wait a minute. Jay you can wait outside." She gives him a slight head nod, he returns it and walks out. "Hailey, I spoke with Dr. Sloan, Jay's therapist, before you got here."

"Okay, is there something I should be worried about?" She asks, I can hear the fear in her voice. Worry covers her face.

"No, nothing serious. It's just that Dr. Sloan came to the conclusion that Jay is at risk of panic attacks. From his trauma. She says that he is very good at managing the triggers, but he's still at risk."

"Okay," she replies. Still worried.

"I've worked with trauma patients before and one of the best ways to calm someone down is pressure."


"Yes. Pressure around the body. Like with cattle before the slaughterhouse, they are pushed through tight corridors. Applying pressure around their bodies, calming them." The horror on Haileys face says it all. "I know it's a bad analogy, but it works. Not only with trauma, but autism as well. Constant pressure around the body triggers a sense of safety, and stability."

"Why are you telling me this."

"I'm telling yo this to prepare you. Incase something happens, that's all," I say with a slight smile. Trying to ease her discomfort.

She sighs, "okay. Thanks Dr. Navon. I'll keep that in mind." She returns my smile.

"Great. Go on, your partner, is waiting." We share a small laugh and she leaves.


General POV:
As Jay and Hailey walk up the steps to Intelligence they can see Voights office empty and everyone at their desks. Looking bored out of their minds. They look at each other, thinking the same thing. Paperwork. The two go over to their desks and start to do just then, when...

Voights POV:
*phone rings*
Caller ID reveals it to be one of the Homicide detectives.

"This is Voight."

"Sergant Voight, your gonna want to see this," replies the detective.

I grab my keys and head down to the crime scene. Unsure of what I'm going to see, I prepare my self for the worst. Upon arrival I could see the flashing red and blue lights. As the detective that contacted me aproaches my car.

"Hey detective, what's the story?"

"You need to see for yourself. This one's different," he says, almost in a mournful tone.

"What does that mean, different?" The moment I see the body, I understood.

"I'll take it."

Haileys POV:
Jays phone begins to ring. One look and it was clear. Voight. Jay answers but I can't hear the other end.

"Hey Voight... okay. Is that all you gonna tell me?... fine, we're on our way."

"What's going on?" Vanessa and I say in sync. Everyone is focused on Jay. Hoping for anything but paperwork.

"We got a case," Jay exclaims. Kim spins her chair while balling her fist, then jerking it down. Whispering through her teeth, yes.

Completly unaware of the seriousness of this case.

DUN DUN DUN!! What is it? What happened? Those may be the questions you're asking. But the important question is: How will this affect Jay and Hailey?

Find out in the next chapter, coming soon.

*insert evil laugh*

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