"Come on, I had to teach you a lesson for trying to ruin my concentration." Hekima mocked back at the bobcat.

The two couldn't help but return a stupid smirk to this, "Alright, now it's your turn to be the prey!" Kulua said to the hyena as he returned to his feet. The two were about to get ready for another round when they heard someone shouting out a name, "Hekima!" the two recognized the voice.

It was another hyena, an adult male who looked similar to Hekima. His golden brown eyes looking at the two with a stern disappointing glare. Hekima let out a depressing sigh before looking over at Kulua, "Guess that's it for today." He said before heading over towards the other hyena.

Kulua watched giving a smile at his friend who was heading back over to his father, he was close enough to hear the conversation between the two, "What did I tell you about hanging around that 'freak'!" the elder hyena said.

"But Fathe-" Hekima was about to argue back before was interrupted by him, "No! You need to stop hanging out with other species! You're expected to be the leader of the pack, there are other hyenas around your age to play with, not that 'feline' creature!" he said with disgust in his voice.

Kulua watched as his best friend headed back home with his father, "See you later, Hekima." Kulua said as he started to head back towards his home. His ears were dropped low with his time with his best friend was cut short by that judgmental father of his.

It was a bit of time before he arrived at a lone tree in the middle of an open area, on the bottom side was a hollow hole big enough for him to fit inside. It wasn't the most comfortable of places to sleep, but it did its' job from protecting him from the cold winds at night or the hot sun in the day.

Kulua had no one, when he became seven months old; he was kicked out of his home and sent to survive. He was the youngest of his kind to be kicked out, having to be something of 'unique' what he called it.

It was still the middle of the day but with nothing else to do, Kulua decided to just rest to hopefully make another day pass so he can meet up with Hekima for another game. Hekima would sneak out in the early morning before the rest of the pack wakes up to hang out with Kulua, despites the controversy it brings him.

That was one of the things Kulua enjoyed about Hekima, that no matter what anyone else thought, he would do what he wants. Even if others had a hard time agreeing with him.

He had not known when he had fallen asleep but was woken up by the sound of his name being whispered to him. Looking around at where it was coming from, he saw his friend Hekima looking at him from outside of the tree with the night sky behind him.

"Hey Kulua, you awake yet?" the hyena asked knowing that he was with Kulua looking back at him. He was almost not surprised by this, who else would come visit him? He had no other friends or family besides Hekima. "What are you doing here Hekima?" Kulua asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright; you tend to get a bit gloomy when left alone for too long." The hyena said jokingly to the bobcat. "I do not!" he denies.

Hekima let out a small laughter at that quick response, "Relax, I was only teasing you." He said, only to receive a grunt from the bobcat. Though Kulua showed to not care, he was thankful to have a friend like Hekima around.

"Alright, so what did you want to tell me?" Kulua asked, knowing that he had not only came to check up on him.

Hekima's laughter soon became a small sigh, "I was wondering, your vision. Did any more come?" he asked the bobcat. The unique thing about Kulua was that he would see slimmer of the future, and though others had either thought it was just a dream or he was a bringer of bad omen. Hekima never thought that about him.

Kulua had started to get up and out of the tree to get in a more comfortable position to start talking, sitting out beside the hyena who was now looking at him curious if that was a sign of 'yes'.

"They had." He answered, though a deep sadness came across him as he looked down. "What did you see?" Hekima asked.

"I saw flames, hyenas with sticks as they ran through a den, burning everything around. I was there, looking for someone." Kulua said, soon cutting off for this sink into the hyena.

"Who were you looking for?" Hekima asked curiously, to which Kulua replied with a bit of hesitation, "You, you were buried under a pile of rubbles. I went to try and save you, but something stopped me."

Hekima was wanting to know if there were more, but Kulua shook his head, "Everything gone black from that point on. What if-" Kulua said but was cut off by a paw placed by Hekima, "What if I don't survive?" he finished for the bobcat.

Kulua looked at his friend hesitantly, he didn't want to see his first and only friend die. "I want you to promise me something, if this future comes true and your life becomes in danger. I want you to run away as fast as possible." Hekima said to Kulua.

"What are you saying? Your life is more important than mine!" Kulua interject the proposal, Hekima gave a small nod to this, "How could I live with myself if my life came from the sacrifice of a good friend." He said to the bobcat.

A low growl came from the said bobcat, "I could say the same thing! Do you know how unfair that is?!"

The two were in a stalemate on this, neither would want to sacrifice the other. Hekima knew this would get them nowhere, "Fine, you win. But it could be possible that we both would survive, or your vision might not happen at all." Hekima said.

"My visions are never wrong." Kulua gave a disappointing grunt, Hekima couldn't help but feel a bit sadden how Kulua had given himself to the fate of his vision. Maybe if a vision of his winds up not coming true, maybe he would start believing in himself more.

'I'll make sure this vision never come true.' Hekima promised to himself as he started to get up. "I guess I should get back now, I'll see you in the morning Kulua!" He said as he ran back to his den.

Kulua watched as his best friend was leaving him again, unaware that this was going to be the first turning point on a road down a darker path.

Author Note:

Wow, that was something... Looks like we are seeing whatever happened to Kulua to make him the way he is now. Next chapter tomorrow, hopefully I can get everything all in on the next chapter but if not...I'll post the following the day after until I can get all of Kulua's past posted that I plan to post.

Just a quick note to anyone out there that may think I am trying to ship Kulua and Hekima...I'm not. (Putting this out there right now.) Though you are free to think otherwise as I don't care in the long run of things, but Kulua and Hekima see themselves as close friends. (Kind of like Brothers)

Though this will lead to wondering, what happened to make them split apart like that? Though we know that Hekima holds no resentment towards Kulua, it would still lead you to wonder what happened.

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