Chapter 3

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First person POV:
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"My name is Kirisame Marisa! Nice to meet cha'!" She smiled at me and put out a hand to shake, being the person I was I generously shook and and let go after her greeting.
"My name is Y/N L/N, It's nice to meet you too.."

I wasn't nervous anymore, but I still tried to be as confident as possible when I told Marisa my name so I wouldn't seem like a reck. I looked down at feet as I try not to blush. But then I started coughing...
"H-hey, are you alright?" The blonde haired girl looked at me concerned as I continued hacking violently.
"Y-yeah, *Cough* I'm *Cough* Fine.." I responded. I wasn't really the most "fine". And I felt like I had a headache, but I didn't want someone I met just now to burden themselves with my weird cough.

"Wait, you're human, aren't ya'?" Marisa asked, I assumed this is a world where there probably isn't many humans if it wasn't so obvious. Not to be rude of course.
"Yeah, I a-"
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"Yeah, I a-" I saw Y/N fall to ground, cutting off her sentence and making me panic for my stupidity. Why didn't I realize it sooner? I picked her up, kicked open my door and brought her into my messy home.
"Ah-, where is it, where is it??!" I was both internally and externally panicking, I know it's just another outsider but I'd rather not have another bounty on my hands if Y/N dies because of my stupidity.
"Oh, found it ze!" I shouted to no one in specifically, grabbing the purple and yellow infused liquid bottle. Luckily I had a lot of these around, just incase, ze~✮
I lifted her head up from a futon I laid out, moving all the stacked books I had that were piling up dust around it, and force-feed the potion to her...


They're still not up?!!
Ok, calm down marisa. Maybe it just needs a while to take into effect? I can just wait it out...right? I'll just research from borrowing some books at Patchy's library.

I hurried downstairs and grabbed my broom to fly off to the scarlet devil mansion ASAP, carrying my Mini-hakkero in hand. I was halfway there over atop the misty lake until I was stopped by that idiot ice fairy.
"Hey you stupid witch! This time eye'm gonna get revenge since last time you ran into me AND ignored me! Take this! Freeze Sign! "Perfect Freeze"!"
I dodged the rainbow bullets that were being sent off me at fast speeds and when she froze them, I prepared an attack of my own to teach her a lesson.

"Hmph, since you wanna be so stubborn, I'll just have ta' teach ya' another lesson!"
I concentrated my mind, muttered the spell to the Mini-elemental-reactor tenderly, aimed at someone I didn't like, and...


Cirno fell down at the lake, becoming slowly invisible due to the mist covering it.
"Well, that's one disturbance out of the way, ze." I said and stuck my tongue out while continuing to fly towards the mansion, after a few minutes, I got to the entrance to see Meiling slacking off as usual, sleeping with her mouth open and drooling. So I just flew towards the doors and speed-runned my way through the corridor until I got to the doors where patchouli's library is.

I opened the doors to see a very pouty koakuma glaring at me with her hands at her sides.
"You're not here to steal any books again, are you?"
"Pfft, I'm just gonna borrow them. No biggie." I replied casually and crossed my arm behind my neck, pushing her off to the side and walking towards Patchouli's desk.
"Here to take all my valuable books again Marisa? She jested.
The purple haired girl looked up from her book which she held in both her hands, staring at me with those purple eyes having eye bags due to not having any sleep.

The purple haired girl looked up from her book which she held in both her hands, staring at me with those purple eyes having eye bags due to not having any sleep

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The Girl of Knowledge and Shade, Patchouli Knowledge

"Just a few, don't worry, you can take them back when I hit the bucket."
Patchouli sighed and went back to reading her book, meanwhile I was checking through the millions of books that lay throughout the shelves in this grand library. Sometime I dream if I could take em' all home with me and find out tons of new magic to study off of! Too bad that'd be impossible as of now since my house is too riddled of them anyways...

"Oh, found it!" It was sort of a high reach, so I tried to get it by putting up my foot to grab the book that I needed. I went to one of the nearby desks that filled a good amount of space in this grand library and sat down to find what I needed in one of the pages.
"Purple and yellow mushrooms found in the Forest of Magic are very poisonous to humans and can cause nausea and headache. The effect wears off in 6 hours, but please head to your nearest Eirin Clinic if inhaled."
Alright! I found what I needed, so I guess I'll just head out so I won't get noticed by sakuya and kicked out.

"Thanks patche! I'll come borrow some more books next visit!" I got on my broom and waved at her despite the angry look she had on her face.
"Don't "borrow"any books you pest!"
Patchouli threw the book she was reading at me but luckily I dodged since I was floating on my broom. I headed outta there to avoid any more trouble.
"Phew. Now just to get back to my place."

Time skip ze~
I got off by broom while standing it near the doorway to go inside my house. Heading over to one of the rooms where Y/N was residing, I moved the dust covered books that have been sitting there for who knows how long out of the way.
I could see her getting up and staring at me with half-awake eyes. She sat up and itched her head,
"Ehehe...This is probably the second time I've knocked out today.." She giggles.

Welp, this isn't the craziest day I've had.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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