Second tag! (English)

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Tagged by JasonDeanIsAlive
Here we go!

Tagged by JasonDeanIsAliveHere we go!

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1. My first language is Spanish.
2. I'm a cat person.
3. I love books!
4. I'm bisexual.
5. I love musicals, Hamilton and Heathers are my favorites.
6. My favorite book is 100 years of solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.
7. My favorite writer is Rick Riordan (I know it's not the best writer, but his book meant a lot for me).
8. I have anxiety.
9. I want to become an English teacher.
10. I don't know if I'm agnostic or theist.

Tag time:
Sorry! I'll just tag all my wattpad friends.

Sorry if you don't like to be tagged!!!


Why do we tell actors to "break a leg"?
Because every play has a cast!


Well, for "Musicals, musicals everywhere!" I really don't know. Maybe I can tell that I already have like 200 chapters ready but I'm a bad girl so I just update whenever I feel in the mood.
And for "Sérendipité" I'm so busy and my mind can't do anything! So maybe I won't update for a while. So, I'll just say I'm trying to work in something related to Hades and Persephone (Lukanette)! And also, in something related to time travel (Adrinette).

I guess that's all.
Feel free to tag me! I love this things!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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