CH.31 Restoring the balance

Start from the beginning

"Is it critical?"

"I can't say,"

"Why is Mavi in there if it's not critical?" Alec jumped to his feet and began to pace the floor.

"Stay calm," Owen said to his brother. "Eden will be fine."

Alec didn't hear what his brother said. He paced the floor as he felt his wolf begin to whimper in fear. His hands started to turn cold and his stomach turned. He kept hearing Eden call his name over and over again.

A few minutes later, Mavi came back to the waiting area. She stopped at the door as she spotted Alec.

"How is she?" He asked immediately. "Is it working? Is she fine?"

"It's too early to tell, Alec," Mavi said gently. She bit down on her lip as Alec's face twisted in pain. He looked as if he was about to start crying again.

Mavi's chest hurt. She knew the feeling all too well. It was in that very same hospital she had seen Owen died in in front of her. She prayed to the gods they wouldn't be as cruel to Alec. He had gone through way too much to live through that pain.

Mavi moved closer to Owen and slid into a seat. They watched Alec pace back and forth. No one knew how much time had passed when Jackson and Rose rushed into the hospital. Alec was in no state to talk. Owen and Mavi explained what had happened as Jackson broke down. Rose held her husband in her arms as he cried for his daughter.

Alec's eyes stayed on the man as he felt the guilt start to build a home on his heart. This was all his fault. Grace was his burden and Eden was the one paying the price for it. When all this was over, Alec promised himself he would take Eden far far far away from all the drama. He would start anew with her somewhere where no darkness could ever touch her.

The afternoon turned into evening. Adam and Exton visited and comforted their friend. Exton informed Alec that Grace was being kept in the dungeon under strict surveillance. He told his friend not to worry about the woman at all.

"We will deal with her once Eden is better," Exton said.

Alec looked up with empty eyes, "Where is Gemma?"

Exton hesitated, "She's....she's looking into how to best help Eden."

"Is Peter back?" Alec looked around.

"No, not yet," Mavi said quickly. "Gemma is working slowly. She....she's trying to conserve her energy in case we need it for Eden. Which we won't, because Eden will be just fine."

As Mavi spoke she realized Alec had already tuned out. He had been doing it all day. He would come into reality, ask a question or two and then just as quickly disappear into his head.

Exton looked at his sister and motioned for her to follow him. Mavi quietly rose from her seat and followed Exton into the room where Peter's body was.

Gemma sat on a chair with a tear stained face. She looked up as Mavi and Exton entered.

"It's not working," Gemma sobbed. "I'm trying. It's been hours but nothing is working."

"Angel," Exton rushed to her side. "Hey, look at me. It's okay. Don't stress yourself."

"Why is it not working?" Gemma said in frustration. "I already contacted Tobias but he's not answering."

"Don't worry," Exton pulled her to his chest. "There has to be an explanation."

Mavi agreed with her brother. She walked back out into the waiting area and found Rye inside.

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