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Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear, this one you'll save
Better lock it in your pocket
Takin' this one to the grave
If I show you, then I know you
Won't tell what I said
'Cause two can keep a secret
If one of them is dead

   When Jazz found out about his ghostly powers he begged her to keep the secret and hesitantly she agreed, she promised not to tell another soul. A similar situation had happened before with Sam and Tucker. All three of them had promised to keep it, sometimes they might ask him for favors and he would eagerly hurry to do them. Danny couldn't lie he was a people pleaser and if that meant sometimes he would get really hurt, he could care less.

But. sometimes people don't keep secrets. Danny remembers the day it all happened. 


Danny Pov

     I could feel myself shaking as I realized what time it was. I practically flung myself up, only to bite my lip from screaming in pain. Mentally face palming, my dumbass self realized, 'Remember your parents shot you'. It probably isn't even that bad and I'm being way over dramatic. 

     Preparing myself I once again flung myself up, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood. Shuddering and whipping my eyes, I began my quest to the bathroom, luckily for me, I have one connected to my room. It took a little longer than usual, as for like  some strange reason everything had hurt.  

"Finally." I breathed out in relief, before quickly once again panicking and moving  quickly to the long mirror, I know it's really strange to have a full body mirror in a bathroom but eh. Standing in front of it, I sucked in a small breath as I looked at the blood stained pants leg. 

  "That's a lot of blood." I whispered to myself, before moving to remove the pants leg, leaving me in only boxers and a tank. "This is going to be highly annoying' I thought to myself. The blood seemed to have crusted over, and if I didn't want an infection I would need to hurry and clean it, but I dont have time.  Looking back and forth between my leg and the door, I made a quick decision.

    "Fuck it." I said before moving quickly to splash my face and book it to my room, and put on something random, I'm just hoping it isn't that.  I slipped on a pair of shoes and booked it downstairs, before falling down them after forgetting about my injury. Scrambling up I continued to dash out the house. No, one was there as usual. 

      I found myself running over to Tucker's house to meet him and Sam. I just hope I'm not too late.

~Time skip~

   I made it there after 10 minutes, before knocking on the door only to be let in by Tucker's mom.

     "There up in Tucker's room Fenton." She practically growled out at me. I have this strange feeling she doesn't like me that much. Going up the stairs I abruptly stopped when i heard hushed sounds. 

    "We all agree, it's time to tell them." I believe Tucker said, but what are they talking about?

"Jazz say's she agrees to, if it all goes to plan we should receive an invite to dinner." Sam explained before it had quieted down. Shaking the feeling of mystery down, I continued my journey all the way up the stairs and knocked on the door.

      "Hey guy's it's me, Danny." I said, I swear I could hear scrambling before Tucker opened the door.

   "Danny you're late." Sam growled at me, I turned to her to see her face smudged with her lipstick and held in a shudder. Seems like I;m not the only one with a secret lover.

    "Sorry I-" I began before she yelled at me, cutting me off.

  "Sorry nothing, you had one fucking job to do and you failed! I can't believe this, oh wait I can." She growled out and under her breath she whispered, Fucking Freak. Unaware that I had herd it. Tucker seemed to shake with rage after he herd her, at first I thought he was upset with her until he looked directly at me and screamed 


"Wh-what did I do." I asked, wanting the least bit of clarity after being yelled at by both my best friends.

    "Are you serious, you made Sam upset. Obviously YOU need to leave. " He finished punching the you. Nodding I just turned and left, ready to go home at this point. And the second I stepped out the door, I was shot by a laser, straight at my already wounded leg. Before feeling a small prick on my neck, turning the world dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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