Chapter 2

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Kendall walked around the city, trying to shake the feeling someone was after him after the phone call he got.
"Come on. We can go sightseeing and everything."Kendall said as they exit the limo, arriving at Coney Island.
"Cyclone here we come."James and Carlos said, running out the limo. Obviously forgetting their tickets.
"Guys, you need tickets to get in."Logan yelled. Carlos came back grabbing the tickets and dragging Kendall and Logan back to the line to get in.
Kendall smiled at that memory as he continued to walk down to his hotel, forgetting his phone call earlier.
While walking, Kendall didn't notice the man looking directly at him But how could he know? Everyone looked in every direction, walked everywhere in the city and sometimes you couldn't tell if they were looking towards you half the time. Once walking past the man, almost to his hotel, the man followed Kendall until reaching the lobby of the hotel.
"Hello sir. How may I help you today?"The hotel clerk greeted.
"Reservation for Kendall Knight." Kendall said.
"Ah yes I see I have you down for a week stay in a standard room. You're in room 246." The clerk said.
"Thank you." Kendall greeted, heading towards his room.
The blond hair man dialed someone on his phone.
"Room 246. I'll do it tomorrow." Everything was set.
Back in LA, everyone was cautious. They always took someone with them when they went somewhere because nothing was ever safe anymore.
"Guys, Kendall sent us something." Logan said, holding the postcard up.
"Read it." Jo said. She needed to know if her boyfriend was okay and getting back to himself and ever coming back home.
Dear everyone,
Most of my memories are coming back to me. I think I just need time to process them still. If you're wondering how I am, I'm fine. I haven't ran into trouble yet. I miss you guys. See you soon.- Kendall.
Everyone was smiling, crying, or a combination of both when reading the postcard. At least they knew Kendall was safe in Tennessee according to the postcard.
"At least he's safe." Katie muttered.
"What if he's not safe?" Jo asked.
"He's safe. I know he is." Camille said.
"But after a year of leaving us, he decides to send a postcard. It's not right. I know it's not." Jo told everyone.
"Maybe he needed time. He'll find his way back to us soon. I know he will." James hugged, assuring her everything would be okay.
'Thank goodness for being a former pop star' Kendall thought to himself as he was able to get a job at a store for the time he would be in New York before moving onto his next journey. Being a cashier wasn't hard but when people seemed to recognize Kendall, they would start taking pictures, making Kendall snap into a different world.
"Kendall, take a break if you need to."The store manager called out, seeing Kendall was in a different head space.
Kendall went into the break room, trying to get all the memories of the facility out of his head.
"He's waking up.What do I do with him now?"Kelly asked.
"Follow The Head's orders and do the same thing we do to everyone else once woken up."The Boss said. Kendall overheard their conversation while looking at the bright light on the ceiling.
'You can't go back there. You're stronger than this.' Kendall told himself and went back to registers to finish his day. Once after this, he would go explore a little bit and head back to his room. Sure he had a few memories pop up here and there but he needed more than that. He couldn't remember back to when he was younger or any moments with his family. Maybe it was the wrong place to be and he had to be somewhere else once the week ended. Kendall continued exploring and nothing helped him. Maybe just laying down in his nice quiet hotel room would help him. Once at the hotel, Kendall showered and ordered room service.
"Room service!"Some exclaimed from the other side of the door.
"Thank you."Kendall said as he got his food before closing the door.
"No thank you."The blond man chuckled as he waited awhile to do his job.
Once seeing the boy was unconscious after drinking the sweet tea, the blond man headed out the fire escape, carrying the boy.
"I've got him boss. I should be there in a hour."The game officially started.
"Nobody saw you right."The Head asked, looking at the dirty blond hair boy strapped to the table.
"No sir. I just had to pretend to be room service and drop the serum ubti his sweet tea."
"Very good. Now it;s his friends turn in the game."The Head said.
"Jesse, coming on. The boy would be fine. I need your help with this part anyways."Both of them left the room, leaving Kendall alone.
Well Jesse is not dead and very much alive. Let me know what you think. Until then, be safe.

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