I enter my actual room and took a vase that I made a few years ago. It was pottery class and we had to paint it. I made a vase that had vines etched in it. It spread all over and I added a few holes at the top just to make it more intersting.

It was on my shelf and I just grabbed it and put water in from the faucet in my bathroom. I removed the ribbons and papers on the bouquet and put the roses in a fashion like my hair. It was split in half. My OCD couldn't handle it just randomly put in there.

I put the chocolates and the cheescakes in my mini bar which had a mini fridge, plates and utensils and even alcohol. I had also soda and some energy drinks. I opened the closet and opened the fridge to place the chocolates safely and not just throwing it in there.

I strip from my uniform and head in the shower to finally remove my damn make up. I head in my walk-in closet and went to my mirror. I remove my glasses and put it in it's container and put my clothes on the basket. I grabbed wipes to remove my make up.

I look in the mirror. A disgusting bisexual scarred freak. I thrash my head around and I saw myself again...
Look at it, how did people even like you. They're probably like your money than you, you trash of human.

A tear slippied through my eyes as words enter my thoughts.




I enter the bathroom and turned on the water for the bath tub. I slid down and hug my knees as the water enveloped me. As the water run down I unwillingly yet automatucally add the soap for the bathtub. I felt so numb. Like I just act on instinct. I looked to my left. A glass cabinet was there. I opened it.


Why don't I...  just..... I grabbed the new blade I bought before school started. I rinse myself off as the water drained. I was still in tub as the water was completely gone. I grabbed the
blade and looked at my arm that was literred in scars, cuts and burns. I look at the mirror cabinet.... my neck. It's filled with bites and hickeys. The foundation finally left my skin.

All over my jaw...and to my collar bone. It's filled with dark purple hues. I touched it...Remember where you got these? You can't say you're the victim. You did ejaculate and cum from their touch after all. You disgusting whore!

I cried and held my head in frustration. I touched my scalp. There was a hidden bump from when they pulled too hard. They thought I enjoyed it. But it's just the way the body reacts, right? Are you really sure about that? You seem to really like being rided on and tied by them. Just admit it, you're a bitch. You were tied yet you enjoyed it. You entered their holes, one-by-one, you even thrusted a few times, remember?

No! No I'm not. I didn't want it to happen. But you let it happen, right?
No! It was .....   I couldn't fight back. I can't! "Just shut up!!!" I yell as I cut into my skin. Crimson red oozes out and the cut was really deep. My skin was just soft and pale since I just bathed.

I cut more to make the voices quiet down. Each cut made them quieter and quieter.

I hugged my knees and stare blankly at the door. After a few minutes the cuts finally clotted and were closed. But if I moved recklessly I could open them easily. I stood up feeling tipsy from the loss of blood. I grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around and poured water on the tub to let the blood go in the drain and also the remaining residue of make up.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and brushedy teeth on the sink. I grabbed my blue toothbrush and add toothpaste and after that I gargled some mouth wash. I then lazily exited the bathroom and picked out some clothes in my closet. I picked black boxers and black sweat pants. I wore a black tank top not caring if anyone could see my scars nor bandages.

City Boy   (TodoBaku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora