The Confession

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Selozars POV
I woke up to the house extremely quiet which confused me.
I got up and went downstairs, I saw Uleanra sitting on the couch
"h-hi" i said to Uleanra
"Hello!" Uleanra said
"W-wheres AloneTraveler?"
"You know you can call me by my full name you know." I heard a voice behind me, I turned was AloneTraveler. "Uh hi"
Uleanra didn't say anything because he didn't wanna get in trouble
"Hi Selozar, how are you?" He said in a different tone than he usually does.
I thought it was a joke....but it wasn't April Fools yet....
"Um is that suppose to be a joke?"
"No....." he said I got scared and backed away.
"I don't think so" he said back in a different wasn't his deep tone.....which was weird

AloneTravelers POV
I had my own little secret to tell Selozar & Uleanra....
I was very excited because I knew they would be questioned cause I would never do this for them....i went downstairs seeing Selozar & Uleanra talking. When they saw me they got scared Uleanra said nothing but Selozar wasn't as scared as him. I said Hi and asked him how he was, they just stared at me thinking it was a joke or something...I suspected Selozar to ask if what I said was a joke...obviously it wasn't, I said no of course atleast I thought so.....

Uleanras POV
I saw Selozar come downstairs we talked for a minute and then I saw AloneTraveler and got quiet....I usually don't talk around AloneTraveler like I do with Selozar, Alone was acting weird I could tell something was up by the tone of his voice and his face expression. I was honestly scared but Selozar didn't look scared which worried me.

Selozars POV
I just sat down glaring at Alone to be honest I was kinda getting scared.
He just stared at us which was awkward, and then he finally broke the silence. "I need to tell you guys something" me and Uleanras eyes widend
"Huh?" I said
"Yea you heard me" ^^
Uleanra looked at me and I looked back at him.
"Sure go ahead just please don't hurt us"
Alone raised his eyebrow
One movement from him and we both backed away
He was honestly scared of us so he backed away
We both just stared at him looked him up and down and looked back up to his face.

AloneTravelers POV
Selozar and Uleanra just sat there he kept on glaring at me looking scared. Which was very acceptable since everything I've done to them. It was awkward because I was standing there staring at them, which was probably really creepy on their part. So I broke the silence and told them I had to tell them something, their eyes widened. "Huh?" Selozar said "Yeah you heard me" I smirked, they both looked at each other then Selozar said "Sure go ahead just please don't hurt us" I raised my eyebrow barely and they started freaking out. I backed up because I thought they were gonna attack me, they started inspecting me up and down and then looked at my face.

Uleanras POV
We both just sat there staring at him I sighed. Both of them started staring at me, I covered my mouth, they never hear me talk in front of BOTH of them. I couldn't say sorry so I just nodded, of course I can talk I just feel like anything I say will make Alone mad and he'll just start hitting me. One time I said I was going outside to get away from him (Which I shouldn't have said) and he knocked me out cold. And from that point on I said nothing ever again, I never made a noise not even a squak or a sigh. So that's why they just stared at me after I accedently sighed.

Selozars POV
Me and Alone just stared at each other, but that ended when we heard Uleanra sigh which we both stared at him. He covered his mouth and nodded, which probably met sorry, we waited for Alone to say something.
Finally he said something.

AloneTravelers POV
He stared at me I stared at him, then Uleanra sighed and I was surprised Uleanra noticed what he did and covered his mouth and nodded. (Which he didn't have to do) They both stared at me probably waiting for me to say something, so I said something
"So what I needed to that I'm sorry for everything I've done to the two of you." And it's alright if you guys don't accept my apology which would be acceptable.....but I have something for you guys. I took a deep breath in and handed them two cards.

Selozars POV
We stared at him and he said something both of us didn't think he would say...
"So what I needed to that I'm sorry for everything I've done to the two of you." And it's alright if you guys don't accept my apology which would be acceptable......but I have something for you guys. He took a deep breath. which scared us and he gave me two cards. One said Selozar and the other said Uleanra. They were cards for a resort I gasped Uleanra got up and hugged Alone he startled Alone so badly he fell on the floor.

Uleanras POV
Me and Selozar stared at Alone and he said something I would never forget
"So what I needed to that I'm sorry for everything I've done to the two of you." And it's alright if you guys don't accept my apology which would be acceptable......but I have something for you guys. He took a deep breath. It scared me badley and he gave Selozar two cards with me and Selozars name on it he gasped and I saw the resort logo. And ran over to Alone and hugged him I didn't notice until one second he fell on the floor. I whispered s-sor- I got cut of by Alone saying "it's fine don't apologize" I smiled and we all sat down and waited for Alone to say something else.

1,039 words
(Chapter two coming soon!) :D

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