Chapter 1

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Today is my first day at a new school. I'm a Sophomore at Charlestown high now. My sister Kianna is a Junior and my older brother Brandon is a Senior. My brother is the star player on the basketball team and one of the most popular boys in school. My sister cheers for the football and basketball teams at our school. She's super popular herself.

Unfortunately I didn't get the popular gene. I don't get how it skipped me but I guess that's what being the youngest does for you. I'm the "nerdy" little sister or at least that's how I feel. I'm the only one left with glasses and I had to get braces a year ago to fix an overbite. Luckily my braces are coming off really soon thank God and mommy said when I turn 16 in November I can get contacts. So hopefully I won't be looked at as a nerd for much longer.

"Kiara are you ready?" Kianna asked coming into my room. She was wearing

She had her hair straight down her back as usual

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She had her hair straight down her back as usual.

I wore

 My hair was in its natural curly state

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My hair was in its natural curly state. I don't straighten my hair that often cause I can really care less about all that stuff.

"Yeah I guess." I said

"Well let's go girl." She said I rolled my eyes and got off my bed. I walked down stairs and seen my parents in the kitchen.

"Come here guys I wanna take your first day of school pictures." My mom said taking out her phone.

"Ma you do this every year." Kianna said complaining as usual.

"I'm going to continue to do it until all my kids have graduated high school. Now put your phone down and take a picture with your brother and sister." My mom said Kianna rolled her eyes and put her phone in her pocket. I stood in the middle of my brother and sister and posed for the pictures. Then we all took individual pictures and left for school. Brandon drove us to school. Kianna went back to texting and I was texting my best and only friend Destiny.

"Kiara are you excited to start high school with us?" Brandon asked prior to going to Charlestown high I went to English High but I got bullied out of the school and my parents put me in school with my siblings and Destiny.

"No I'm just gonna be known as the popular kids nerdy little sister." I said sarcastically. Kianna laughed

"She has a point." She said

"Shut up." Brandon said hitting her upside her head

"Don't put your hands on me idiot." She said smacking him back "It's not my fault she's a nerd."

"Kiara you're not a nerd. You only have braces cause of your over bite and we ALL wore glasses for a while. You can get contacts at 16." He said

"Brandon its okay. You don't have to make me feel better. I'm used to being bullied." I said

"I'm not bullying you. If your sister can't keep it real with you honey nobody will." Kianna said

"Just stop talking. Go text your short ass boyfriend." Brandon said "Kiara I'm right there if you need me." He said to me. Its sad to say I'm a lot closer to my brother then I've ever been to my sister. He's just always there for me and my sister is more worried about her friends than her family. I hate that he's a senior this year and is probably going away for college leaving me alone in the house with her.

"Thanks Brandon." I said wiping my tears. We got to the school and got out the car. Kianna ran over to her group of friends that she see's damn near everyday. But proceeded to make a scene over. Brandon walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"Stop crying baby. You know I'm always here for you." He said

"No your not. Your going away to college." I said crying into his shirt.

"I'm not leaving state for another year or two." He said

"You promise?" I asked

"Of course. I love you Kiara. Secretly you're my favorite little sister." He said

"It's no secret. I think we both know that and I don't blame you. I'm your only normal sister." I said he laughed and we walked through the school doors together. He went with me to get my schedule then walked me to class.

"I'll be back to get you after class. My class is right down the hall if you need me." He said .

"I'll be fine. Thanks anyway." I said walking in the class. He kissed my forehead then walked out. A group of girls ran over to me.

"How do know Brandon Montez?" They all asked

"He's my brother." I said

"Oh. I figured that. There's no way he's into her like that." This random irrelevant ass girl said. I rolled my eyes and found my seat. Let the bullshit begin

"Hey don't about worry her. That's Brittany. She always says rude things. She's probably just jealous of you. I'm Briana." This other girl said. She was really pretty.

"Kiara nice to meet you and thanks but I'm used to people being mean to me. I highly doubt she's jealous of me. But I appreciate your help." I said

"Your welcome and you shouldn't have to get used to that. Why don't you stick up for yourself?" She asked

"It's not worth it." I said

"Kiara baby come here." Kianna said sticking her head in my class. She's actually acknowledging me in school. Something must be wrong.

"Wassup?" I asked

"I was really being a bitch earlier but I have a rep in this school for beating bitches asses so if you need me let me know. I got you baby girl." She said giving me a hug. I was shocked

"You're actually talking to me." Was all I could say.

"I know we don't have a great relationship but I'm willing to change for you. I realize your gonna need me a lot more now." She said I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank Nani." I said calling her the nickname I gave her.

"Anytime Kiki." She said I went back to class.

"Kianna Montez is your sister too?" This other girl asked. I just shook my head and waited for the teacher to come in.

My first day of school wasn't that bad and I got to spend some time with my brother and sister. Time well needed. My brother walked to all my classes and sat with Destiny and I at lunch. Kianna would check on me throughout the day. It wasn't that bad I hope everything stays this way.

** I know the beginning may suck a little bit but its still an introduction. You met the characters. Next chapter the story will really start!!

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