Alistair chuckled as he tried to calm little Amelie. He couldn't speak himself. There was a lump on his throat and it was hard letting go of the tears that were threatening to fall down his cheeks. He stepped back and looked again into the face that he had almost forgotten. "I missed you," he said and tears started falling.


They were in Alistair's pad. Amelie was staring at the picture of the ocean on the wall. It surprised her to see the ocean once again and feel as though she had never seen it before.

"Alice, this painting," said Amelie.

He stood beside her, in front of the painting. "Yes, it was here when I bought the place. This house belonged to the old doctor who treated me during the accident." There was a catch in his voice as he remembered that day when the nurse had told him about his parents' death. "He was such a nice man. I thought I could find him but I forgot that he was already old when I was young. He couldn't have lived forever. So when I found out this was his place. I bought it immediately."

Amelie felt the pain hidden in Alistair's voice. He didn't talk much about his parent's accident. Just that there was an accident and they died leaving him alone in the world. But he loved them still. He never stopped and she knows that up until now, he was still missing them. Maybe, he will forever miss them. Amelie instinctively wrapped her arms around her friend and brother. "Soon. We'll be there soon," she whispered.


Darkness had crept upon the City. Lights have been lit up and it was, for once, silent. It was like it was having a rest from its hectic existence. It was finally realizing its mistake as it feels the great waste it had become. It finally saw the cracks on its once solid stone structures. It finally noticed how rotten its people had grown. It was rendered speechless by the extent of degradation compared to its previous glory and magnificence.

In this silent night, four individuals lay awake and awaiting the arrival of dawn. For in tomorrow lies their fate. For in tomorrow lies the truth that shall threaten the people of the City. For tomorrow, the City shall concede to the paradise it had wreck as it destroyed itself senselessly.

As the sun finally appeared in the horizon, the four set out to their destination, the City council. Tristan along with Rusty, Mari and Chance came together to the white palace that was seat of the council. Nobody knew who or what the council was. It had been an accepted fact that the council exists and they create the laws they follow. Today, they were going to question their existence.

An old man with a kind face and smiling eyes welcomed them at the huge oak door of the palace. They were herded to a spacious lounge where seated at the grand sofa was a young woman. The old man introduced the young woman to be the representative of the council. When the young woman nodded to the old man, he left without another word. The room was suddenly enveloped in deafening silence. The young woman was content to seat quietly and serenely in her seat as though the four of them was not there.

Rusty shuffled his feet and the noise brought the young woman's attention towards them and she smiled although it never quite reached her eyes. She motioned for the four of them to seat at the couch on her left side.

"Good morning, Miss," Mari said sounding a bit annoyed and indignant. She seated herself closest to the grand sofa. "We came here," she started but was interrupted when the young woman raised her delicate looking hands and nodded her head.

"I know why you are here," she said, her voice sounding hollow. "You are concerning yourself with matter that shouldn't concern you. You are citizens of the City and anything beyond are of no importance to you." This time, she looked at each and every one of them. It was only Rusty who avoided her eyes.

"We do not consider ourselves as citizens of this City anymore," Mari said with enough force that she herself was taken aback. It was a huge declaration and the young woman looked at Mari sharply, there was surprise and anger apparent in her hazel eyes.

There was a very heavy silence that filled the room.

Rusty at that moment wanted to run as far away as possible from the place. He would be very content to live his life digging tunnels again if that meant he could go out right this very minute but the thought of disappointing the person who gave him a second chance in life stayed him. He looked to where Tristan was standing, behind the chair from Mari. He felt envious of their relationship. How many years has it been since they last saw each other? And yet, there they were supporting each other, loving each other as though they had never parted. He wanted the same, he wanted a brother and a sister that will never leave you no matter what, that will be there and will never disappear from his life like the ones he had before, and he knew if he stayed with them he will have it. He shifted closer to Mari who turned to him and smiled reassuringly.

"Mari," said the young woman in her soft voice, "you do not mean what you are saying. That is just plain ridiculous. You cannot simply declare yourselves not citizens of the City." The young woman looked flustered looking at each of them. It was hen that there was a knock on the door. The old man first entered with a frown in his old face.

Mari and Tristan felt their presence even before they had showed themselves inside the room. Mari was already standing up with a surprised smile in her face. Tristan was also having the same expression. At that moment one could not have doubted that the two were twins.

They were already inside the spacious lounge when Alistair suddenly stopped in front of Amelie. She abruptly stopped and frowned at the back of Tristan. When she finally stepped away from him she was astonished, overwhelmingly astonished when her eyes lay upon Mari and Tristan. Her family was now complete. Mari was standing behind Tristan wearing that wonderful smile of hers and Tristan, her dear loving and gentle Tristan. He looked different, a bit roughed up and yet in his eyes, which were smiling now, still held that gentleness she loved in him. Tristan opened his arms towards their little girl, Amelie, to which she rushed to sobbing like the first time they had met.

The young woman suddenly stood looking more than flustered. She was blushing crimson her eye shooting daggers at everyone in the room. It took her some time to compose herself and when she did, she was again the calm and regal young woman that welcomed Tristan and the others earlier.

"A pleasure to meet you once again, dear Alistair," there was a hint of flirtatious note in her voice which made Tristan raise a brow. Alistair only shrugged then nodded snobbishly towards the young woman.

"A pleasure," he said standing beside Tristan and Amelie, his hands in his pockets.

"May I assume that your business with the council is the same as these other people?" she said nodding towards Mari and Tristan.


almost done :D

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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