Chapter 13

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~In Chicago~

Oh And Tip Presented.

Poppy Said.

Barb Said.

Branch's Jaw Dropped.

The Slushious Car Floated Off The Ground As Colorful Bubbles Came Out The Car Exhaust.

The Different Flavor Slushies Shined Bright From Their Containers.

The Tired Flipped And Reversed Different Ways.

Retro Remix Techno Music Played From The Car.

Oh And Tip Turned To The Trolls For Their Reaction.

(Art by OpefuLee)

(Art by OpefuLee)

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Tip Smirks.
"Wellll, Whatcha Think?"

"This....Is....AMAZING! It's Just What We Need To Go Faster!"
Poppy Said.

"YAY! I Always Knew That The Slushious Would Impress Other Species The Humans Persons!"
Oh Said.

Barb Pokes The Slushie Containers.
"And It Runs On Slushies?"

"Yup, Likeeee Grape Escape"
Tip Said.

"Tangerine Twisttt!"
Oh Said.

Tip Said.

Oh And Tip Laugh.

Branch Examined.
"I Could Never Build Anything Up To This Level Of Intelligence 😦...."

"That Would Be My Intelligence! My Boov Species Are The Smarts Of The Smartest Hahaha!"
Oh Laughed.

"And Check This Out-"
Tip Gestures.

Tip Pressed A Button From Inside Of Slushious And The Nacho Cheese Containers Emerge.

"Whoa Whoa Whoaaaa!!! NACHO CHEESE BLASTERS?!!"
Barb Said.

Tip Nods.
"Uh Huh!"

The Nacho Cheese Containers Point At Branch

Branch Sighed.
"Oh C'mon-"

Branch Got Shot With Hot Cheese.

Branch Screamed.

Trolls: ~The Legacy~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora