Chapter Two

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"Ansley, Ansley wake up." I woke up to Glenn sitting next to me gently shaking my shoulder.

"I'm up, just give me a second." I replied quietly so I would not wake up Gracie.

"Some new people came last night. About three women and three guys. Oh and two kids." Glenn spoke as I got to my feet.

"Ok well I'll be out when I finish feeding Gracie. Did anyone make breakfast?" I ask as I pick of the sleeping baby.

"I think the new women did." He stated as he walked out of my tent and zipped it shut.

After I fed Gracie I got both of us dressed in our somewhat clean clothing. I walked out of the tent to see the whole group of about twenty people sitting at the fire pit.

One boy caught my eyes as I went to sit down. "Carl?!" I shouted as I rushed over to my younger brother.

I sweezed him as hard as I could with one arm while Gracie was in the other. My mom was at my side next hugging me as tight as she could.

When she let go she grabbed my face and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She glanced over at Gracie and stared at her for a moment.

"Who's this young girl?" She asked while cupping Gracie's cheek with her palm.

"She's mine mom, I was actually on my way to your house because I couldn't got to school and watch her, I didn't want to tell you over the phone so I finished off the year and was going to let you meet your granddaughter."

She just kept looking from me to Gracie with wide eyes. Carl ha a grin come up on his face.

"Does this mean I'm an uncle?" He asked excited.

"Yes here take her and go sit by the fire." I told him as I placed the baby into his arms.

"Where's dad?" I asked as soon as Carl sat down.

"He got put into a coma about three weeks ago." she spoke as she looked at the ground.

"How come nobody ever told me?!?!" I started to raise my voice as a stray tear rolled down my face.

"You were busy with school and I didn't want to bother you. I guess we really are alike. Huh?"  She whispered. I looked at her before I quickly went to get Gracie and ran down the quarry.

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