Pancakes | Steve McGarrett

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This the main character in Hawaii 5-0. Steve and Danny are partners known for bickering which is quite humorous and Grace is Danny's daughter. There's no spoilers I believe. Enjoy

The sun streamed through the window causing my eyes to flutter open. I'm engulfed in a sense of warmth and security as I behold the view in front of me.

His rugged features relaxed as he continued to sleep. The odd snore sounding from his body; his arm draped over my side. Our bodies are veiled in the crisp white sheets.

I sit up slightly so as to not wake him and scan the room. Our clothes are scattered across the floor causing memories of last night to flood to my memory; bringing a smile to my face.

"Hey." His voice is groggy. His arm tightening its grasp on my waist.

"Good morning," my smile widens when my gaze meets his. I roll over so that I'm laying on to my stomach; my face closer to his.

"You're up early," he hums as his arm reaches for my face. His hand cups my chin as he pulls my face to his. His lips are soft against mine. The kiss deepened but thoughts of reality bombarded my mind causing me to lean back against my better judgement.

"We'd better get up," I say regretfully. I scan his face to see his reaction. His eyes are gazing at me as if to say do we have to? I nod, sitting up to give him a quick peck before climbing out of bed.

"I don't want to either," I sigh as I start rummaging around the room looking for my underwear. I slip Steve's shirt on to simultaneously prevent him putting it on and because I know he loves me in his clothes. I turn around to see his bare back sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Even on our day off?" He questions while rubbing his eyes. I walk over to him with his boxers in my hand. He looks up at me as he takes them with a smirk.

"Pancakes?" I say as I start walking to the kitchen. I can hear a faint "mhmmmm" from the bedroom which puts a small smile on my face.

I begin to work my way around the kitchen, collecting ingredients.

When he heard the sizzle of the pancakes on the stove, he emerged from the room in some grey sweatpants, putting on music in the background while I flipped them. He didn't take long making his way over to me.

"Smells good babe," he coos in my ear as his arms snake around my torso. His lips graze my neck. My heart beats faster as I feel his breath.

"They're almost finished," I flipped them one more time then placed them onto our plates. Steve's arms leave me,causing me to feel cold as he gets syrup and fruit to put on the pancakes. As soon as he topped the stack with berries I drizzled them with syrup.

"Straight off of instagram," he affirmed as I giggled. It did look legit. "Come 'ere" he says, pulling me into his embrace. He started peppering me in kisses while I squirm in his embrace, laughing. He leads me to sway to the music playing in the background; our foreheads resting on each other's. He starts humming along as he pulls me close.

"Well, good morning to you too," Danny barged into the kitchen. Grace in tow.

"What are you doing?" Steve protested, moving swiftly in front of me as if to protect me from Danny's view of my partially clothed body.

"What am I doing, what do you think I'm doing? I'm coming to visit my dear friend on our day off and invite him to join us for a day at the beach," Danny counters hand up in surrender.

"You can't..." Steve begins before I interject.

"It's fine Danny. We'd love to join you, are you hungry? I made pancakes," I answered, ignoring Steve's glare. "Steve, why don't you start making them some pancakes while I change," I suggest while I quickly dart into the bedroom to put on some actual clothes. The faint sound of the partners squabbling behind me.

I'd re-entered the room fully dressed to find Danny and Steve bickering and Grace staring at the pancakes in the pan. I could practically see her mouth watering.

I took over making the pancakes without Steve even noticing as he was preoccupied.

"Now, eat and be quiet!" I interrupt them as I place Danny's plate of food in front of him. I turned to Grace and asked "would you like nutella or chocolate sauce? That is if you Dad allows you," Grace nods her head enthusiastically as I turn to the cupboard to grab the chocolate sauce.

"See! Even Y/N asks permission!" Danny starts up again.

Grace rolls her eyes at her father causing me to smirk as I drizzle the sauce over her pancakes. And then we all tuck in.

"I take your silence to mean that they taste good?' I laugh as I go to wash my plate in the sink.

"No, no, no. You made 'em, I clean them up," Steve immediately jumps in front of me.

Thank you I mouth as he takes over. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and whispers in my ear.

"We'll make up for lost time later." I just smile knowingly in response as Danny starts to complain about PDA.

Hope you liked :)

Bethany <3

(992 words)

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