The Energy Company (English Version)

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Today, King Noeg decided to have a good day. What contents: Sitting on the couch and watching tv. "Servant 1!" Servant 1 immediately reacts to his call. "What can I do for you my King?" She asks. "I want the remote control. Give it to me, I can't reach it." Servant 1 turns her head to the table to see the remote control laying on the edge. She can easily reach it and hands it over to the King. "Ah, now I can watch tv." King Noeg sighs relieved. He presses the on button. BOOM!!!💥

King Noeg's fat brother Kenai walks around in the kitchen. His favorite spot in the house, because there is.... Food...
Kenai sees the cookie box standing on the countertop.

Ah, cookies... I like cookies... I must reach cookies!!!! So Kenai makes a very spectacular jump on the countertop. (Slowmotion) Finally his first paws reach the edge of the countertop! And... he fails. "Aaahhh!!!!" Back on the ground.

Suddenly Kenai hears a loud bang. He turns his head to where the sound just came from and then walks into the living/lounge room. "I heard a bang. What happened!?" He asks hysterically. "It's the tv." Answers King Noeg grumpy.
"Nooo!!! Not the tv!!!!" Kenai sinks through his paws and drops himself to the ground. Then he starts crying. Just like King Noeg. "My dear tv!!! So beautiful, so... filled with horrible commercials!" While Noeg and Kenai are both crying and servant 1 is completely stunned, another servant walks hastily in.

"My King Noeg, there is someone for you. He's waiting in front of your gates." Noeg sighs grumpy and calls servant 2. "Get me my cushion!" Some seconds later servant 2 is back with a red, luxurious cushion in his hands. Noeg lies down on the cushion. "Now, take me there." He says majestically.

By the gates there stands a man. He immediately recognizes King Noeg. "Ah, King Noeg!" Noeg sighs grumpy. I already hate you. "What do you want? My name is Henk. I'm from Dubai Special Energy!" King Noeg stares at the smiling man in front of him. "What do you sell? Energy! Energy? So you say that I don't have enough energy!? I'm a boxing champion! I will knock you out if you don't disappear from my land now! But my King, I didn't mean that kind of energy. No, we sell energy for in house. So you say that I don't have enough energy when I'm home?!" Noeg jumps off the cushion and gets up in a boxing stance. "Come on then!! No, no I didn't mean that! I meant energy to let your tv work for example. My tv works fine!" In the meanwhile in the background two men carry the broken tv outside. "I see... Alright, maybe not fully fine. So, how much does it costs? Well, nice you ask! Cause this month we have a new offer! For a house like yours it's only a small two thousand dollars. Two thousand dollars!?" The man nodds and smiles. "Get out!" Orders Noeg. Oh, I'm sorry, King Noeg.

Once back in his office King Noeg is working very hard. He and a few very rich man are negotiating. "No! I've lost again!" Complains King Noeg and he throws his cards back on the table. Frederick laughs. He has finally won a poker round. "Yay, I've won all these shares!" Bami, from China is disappointed. "No, why didn't I win this round, I don't want all these oil. I want shares!" He slams his fists down on the table.
"Easy, pal."
Servant 3 walks in. "My King Noeg, the weird energy man is here again." Ugh, not again!

King Noeg arrives at the gates again. "Are you sure you don't want to get a subscription? It's an offer!"
King Noeg slams the door close.

King Noeg sits at the front of the large dining table. A waiter walks up to him and puts a silver cloche before him on the table. He lifts the lid and King Noeg looks underneath it. There lays a letter.
'Take out a subscription for only two thousand dollars by Dubai Special Energy!' Suprised, Noeg looks up at the waiter. He puts his thumb up and nodds smiling. Noeg facepalms if he sees the face of Henk. "Servant 2! Get him out!!"

King Noeg goes to sleep. He lies down in his bed and closes his eyes. Suddenly he feels someone tapping him on the shoulder and he looks behind. Henk. "Do you already want to take out a subscription?" King Noeg turns grumpy his head. "Servant 1!"

The next day Kenai walks into the kitchen. "I smell... cookies!!" He jumps onto the countertop. And... fails. "Whoa!!!" Then he hears a loud bang from the living room. He sprints into the room and slips. "Whoa!!!" BOOM!!!💥 Straight against the bookshelf. And all the books fall down. Noeg is crying. "Not my tv!!! MY NEW TV!!!!" All the servants are crying with him and no one notices Kenai.

Suddenly Henk shows up from behind King Noeg. "Subscription...?" He asks full of excitement. "Yess!!!!" Cries Noeg. So Henk takes out the papers.

~Ik Ben Rijk~

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