"The fourth track is Take The Shot." It was Isaiah's turn to speak again. "It's about going with the flow and freeing ourselves from being stuck in the past. This song hopes to encourage everyone to just enjoy themselves, no matter if they're experiencing good times or bad times."

I didn't want to be biased, but I just really tend to focus more, whenever he was the one speaking. However, I guessed it couldn't be helped because he's really my bias in the band.

Living in past is a no, no, no
When tomorrow comes
Why don't you take the shot?
Why don't you take the shot?

Let us cheers to the good times
And all of the bad times
Why don't we take the shot?
Oh, let us take the shot tonight!

It was another upbeat song. The last part was abruptly cut. I felt like there would be a catchy drop after that. I suddenly became impatient as I wanted to hear the full song of each track in the album.

"And of course, the last track in the album, Moments," Ike said, his voice soft and low. "You can say that this is a song we created for our fans. Actually, Moments shouldn't be included in this album, and the last track was supposed to be a different song, but since we were so overwhelmed with all of the support we received with Smile, we decided to create a song to thank you all for the love and include it in our first ever album. So yeah, this is Moments..."

These are the moments I won't forget
These are the moments I won't regret
These are the moments that always
Lift my feet off the ground

These are the moments I will treasure
These are the moments I will remember
These are the moments oh, oh
Baby, this is our moment

It was another sentimental song by New Classic. I could feel how much passion they put, while they were singing in chorus. Though I had to say that Isaiah's voice was very distinctive. I could clearly hear it over their well-harmonized voices.

"We really hope that people will feel how much passion we poured out to our music by listening to our first ever album," Sic clasped his hands together as he spoke, while staring straight at the camera.

"Yes, we surprisingly received a lot of love with Smile, and I hope you all will continue to support us with our new songs and our first ever album," Jirro added.

"And now, before we end this live stream, for the first time ever, we are going to perform our title track―Always." Isaiah smiled a bit, and I just sighed in admiration.

"But before that, let us all say good bye to our viewers first because we won't have a chance later on," Ike told them and stood up.

The other members followed him, and they all formed a straight line at the center.

"Got Music?" Ike started.

"New Classic!" The boys followed as they were doing some hand movements simultaneously.

"Thank you for watching!" And they all said in unison, before the screen faded in black.

The live stream didn't end there. Within only three minutes, they showed a well set-up stage with their instruments. All of them were wearing a different outfit from what they wore earlier. It amazed me on how fast they changed their outfits, in just a short period of time.

But then, my thoughts were interrupted as they began playing their instruments.

It was a mellow song. However, I couldn't stop myself from smiling as the camera zoomed to Isaiah when he began to hum, after filming a close up look to Ike, Jirro, and Sic.

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