It is often said that when two females grow to hate another female at the same time, the two females would quickly become friends with each other. According to my fuzzy memory, the female students in my school often gossiped about negative rumours concerning Female Goddess. The moment Female Goddess was mentioned, everyone would pitch in and contribute to the common topic. As a result, Female Goddess became the single, solitary force that helped unite the female students in my class.

Conversely, Female Goddess never had any friends. However, Female Goddess wasn’t bothered in the slightest, and simply disregarded the opinions of others. I always thought that Female Goddess would manage to continue maintaining her cool aura till the end of time, and even when she ages into a ninety year old lady sitting on a wheelchair, she would still be an arrogant and cold old lady who refused to interact with others. However, the reality was – during Year 3 of High School, when our final year examinations were nearing, Female Goddess made a sudden decision to quit school.

Before Female Goddess decided to quit school, talk about Female Goddess coming from a poor background started to circulate in my school. It turned out that Female Goddess’s father wasn’t rich – instead, her father was the owner of a chicken noodle stall at XX Road, and Female Goddess would always help out at the stall during weekends. The students even flocked to the school forum in order to upload photos of Female Goddess working at the stall as proof. Although the photos were rather unclear (as they were secretly taken), one would still be able to identify Female Goddess in them. In the photos, Female Goddess had tied her hair up in a rather simple manner, and was squatting my the roadside washing the dishes. But even then, Female Goddess was still extremely beautiful, and even resembled Cecilia Cheung in Lost in Time. However, the fact that Female Goddess sold chicken noodles was far too shocking, and from that point onwards, the School Belle became a joke, and the phrase “chicken noodles” became a perennial laughing point.

One morning, upon reaching school, I noticed the presence of a crowd surrounding the entrance of my classroom. It turned out that someone had taped a photo of Female Goddess on the blackboard, and even provided the following caption – ‘Come and eat my chickens’. Female Goddess entered the classroom expressionlessly, put down her school bag, and started revising her work calmly, as though nothing was out of the ordinary.

Another incident happened just as our final year examinations neared. There was a male student in my class who had pursued Female Goddess in the past, but to no avail. One day, the male student suddenly declared that he wanted to treat the entire class to a meal. To our surprise, a middle aged uncle actually arrived on a motorized trishaw at dinner time, delivering forty bowls of chicken noodles to my class. Although I tend to be rather dense under normal circumstances, I was strangely perceptive that day and immediately deduced that the middle aged uncle was Female Goddess’s father.

The thwarted male student ordered the middle aged uncle to deliver the noodles personally onto our desks. Upon hearing this, a group of male students erupted into laughter and stared to holler at the middle aged uncle, “Your soup’s spoilt! We don’t want it anymore, so bring it back.”

The middle aged uncle was an extremely honest man, and attempted to launch into a series of explanations, “The soup was personally cooked by me less than an hour ago. There’s no way that the soup would be spoilt!”

The remaining students in class began to pitch in and started yelling, “The soup’s definitely spoilt! Our entire class can serve as witnesses!”

The middle aged uncle’s face reddened in anger, and continued his attempts to reason with the thwarted male student. However, the thwarted male student turned a deaf ear to the middle aged uncle, and said, “You have two options in front of you. You can either finish all forty bowls of chicken noodles on the spot, or you can bring the forty bowls of chicken noodles back. If you refuse to choose either option, I would raise this matter to the relevant authorities.”

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