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work title adapted from "I loved you first: but afterwards your love" by christina rossetti --
'I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song'

+ chapter one title from Typewriter Series 1018 by Tyler Knott Gregson --
'I am the hand frozen in blurry gesture,
the wave not yet broken
on the surface of the waters,
still behind me.'

+ chapter two title from Typewriter Series 1052 by Tyler Knott Gregson --
'I can be
(if you need
from me)
any and all things'

+ chapter three title from Typewriter Series 1073 by Tyler Knott Gregson --
'Tonight my love there is something we must try
so reach your hand through the sheets and
squeeze tight to my fingers. Tonight my love'

+ chapter four title from Typewriter Series 1095 by Tyler Knott Gregson --
'There is no shame in
a shivering truth.
I have hands for holding hands
and the fading purple knows
they will heal again.'

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