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Annie's pov

I hopped in the car with my mom and she drove me to the house that I'm gonna be living in now for a while. I guess I'm moving in with a bunch of other influencers.

"Okay, we're here. Have fun." My mom says, as we pull in. I sigh and pull out my suitcase. "I love you."
"I love you too, mom." I say, and get out of the car blowing her a kiss.
"Hey! Remember to call me at least every other day." She calls after me and I nod.

I approach the group of kids silently. Soon a couple other kids join us. We stand in silence not sure what to say.

"Uhhhh I'm Hayden" A curly haired kid says, and turns to me holding his hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Annie." I greet, shaking his hand slightly.

"Uhhhhh I kinda need to intro my vlog now." I say.
"Good idea" A girl in a large black concert t-shirt with brunette hair that looks like it was dyed blonde. Or maybe it's the other way around I don't know.

"Hey guys, today I have exciting news..." She says pulling out her camera "uhhhh I'm not exactly sure how to say this....." she trails off.

"Hey guys! It's me and today I'm moving in with a ton of other people. I guess they're other influencers." A brunette girl with long hair flipped over says into her camera. She was wearing a white top, leggings, and a Jean jacket. The first girl points her finger in that direction. As if to say 'exactly'.

"Yeah pretty much what she said." Hayden says. I chuckle nervously at how awkward we are.

"Something funny, pretty girl?" A dirty blonde haired boy speaks up and gets smacked by a girl who I assume is his sister. I scoff and roll my eyes. Soon a girl with short, curled hair speaks up. She is wearing more colorful clothing.

"Wait guys we should call us The Dream House." She says. I laugh, causing her to laugh too.

"Hey guys, so-" I hear a voice start but get cut off by a girl a few inches taller than me, wearing a purple tie dyed cropped tank top, and sweats.
"Wait, Like Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse??" The brunette with brown eyes speaks. "Oh I'm Kenzie by the way."

"Jayden" The girl with short curled hair responds, speaking once again. I see the kid Kenzie cut off start to look annoyed.

"Can you shut up I'm trying to do my intro" He retorts. I quietly giggle at the blonde haired kid.

"No" The dirty blonde guy with green eyes from before speaks again, and gets smacked by the girl next to him, once again.

"Shut up idiot, let the kid do it." The girl next to him speaks, and grins. "Oh by the way, I'm Lauren, and that's my annoying older brother Johnny. Sorry about him"

"Ooh she's fiesty. I like it" A kid speaks up. I can't help but laugh, he looks almost like an off brand Jaeden Martell. I mean I guess he's cute but hes not my type.

"You only just met her." A curly headed boy with a darker skin shade than Hayden says. "Careful dude, he might poke your eye out." He laughs, and motions to Johnny who is glaring daggers at Off brand Jaeden.

I look over to see the blonde kid walked away to do his intro somewhere else. Suddenly a lightbulb goes off in my head.

"GUYS WE SHOULD START A YOUTUBE CHANNEL ALL TOGETHER!!" I shout and Jayden squeals. I laugh.

"Damn girl chill we only just met." A boy speaks up. He looks a lot older than me. I shrug.

"So?? We could call it the dream house. Like what Jayden said." I say, and he shrugs. I shuffle my feet awkwardly.

"HEY HEY LIFE IN THE TREEHOUSE!!!" A blonde girl with a white shirt and black shorts shouts. "Wait, I mean- uhhh"

"What are you, a bubble headed blonde? It's the DREAMHOUSE" A boy glares at her clarifyingly.
"I know tha-" The girl starts but then stops. I hear a voice yelling behind me.

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