Chapter Two

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After school, the whole crew waited for each other at their lockers.

And for some reason, Peter was late.

The three were worried, or in MJ's case hid her worries, of their energetic and innocent friend's disappearance.

Soon, they were already packed up and students were outside or in after school clubs. Harley grew anxious, normally Peter would be on time and walk with him to the homeless center. There they helped feed or clothe those in need.

Harley joined because he felt like donating money wasn't the only way to help the community. No one knew he was Stark's son so he didn't even have to worry about being gossiped about.

Harley actually first met Peter at the homeless shelter, which was run by his Aunt May.

"Guys I'm worried about Peter. What if he needs help?"

"Alright let's go help your boyfriend." MJ closed the book she was reading and began walking down the halls.

"Excuse me what?!" MJ had a smug look.

"There's no need to hide it. I can sense the gayness from here."

"I mean she's not wrong." Ned mumbled. Harley glared at him. "But I totally support you dude. Woo! Pride!"

"I'm not gay."

"Not with that attitude."

They were quiet before Harley stated hesitantly.

"Well I... I have been thinking about it. About possibly being gay not the crush!"

MJ snorted. "Oblivious."

They walked down towards Peter's last classroom of the day. Finding no one there they continued to wander the halls.

They started running when they heard shouting.

"Boo hoo, Penis Parker is crying! Such a cry baby." Flash repeatedly pushed Peter into some lockers. He'd try to keep standing but his back ached from how many times he was slammed into the locker.

"No wonder your family left. Such a wasteless use of space."

Peter bit his lips, trying to stop from crying.

No... no... no. These words weren't true. Flash knew nothing about what he's gone through. Nothing!

So why did these words still hurt?

Flash was gonna continue taunting Peter but paused when he heard some shouts.

"Lay your hands off my friend!" Harley shouted as he turned the corner.

Flash backed away from Peter, knowing if a group caught him he'd be busted. He scoffed and walked out as if nothing happened.

"Peter are you okay?" Peter clutched in his backpack straps and nodded, holding back a sob.

He swallowed and took a shaky breath. "Yeah, all good. Let's just go."

"All good? You're getting bullied and you don't wanna say a thing about it!?" MJ glared at the direction Flash left.

"It doesn't hurt." He put on a blank face, one he's trained on for his whole life.

"Swear if he lays a hand on you again I'm gonna-"

"You're not gonna do anything." He said sternly, looking at each of his friends. "I am just fine. See no bruises."

Ned squinted his eyes at Peter. "You sure? What about mentally or emotionally?"

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